[center][@Seraphin][@Valkon][/center] [center]&[/center] [center]@everyone in the catacomb[/center] [hr] [h1][color=92278f][center]Light me up, friend[/center][/color][/h1] [hr] [indent]The damp, foreboding atmosphere of the catacomb seemed to weigh down time, it almost felt like two weeks had passed since Devlin had entered that house of death. It wasn't the first time she had found herself in a burial chamber, her occupation had a way of luring her to the darker recesses of existence, but in the past she had always been alone, a far cry from the diverse company she now had. She kept her weapons sheathed and studied her companions, them and the details of the chamber they had entered, while keeping a keen eye on her closest friend, Ren, while he proceeded to gracefully, yet somehow awkwardly, convey his muted sentiments. "In case logic forsakes anyone here," She loosely began relaying Ren's message to the group; "it's smarter if we stick together. We're stronger that way. Ren and I will do our best to protect you, and I think I'm correct in assuming we all share the same sentiments in that regard." She paused to allow Ren time to further his analysis of the blood, and confirmed; "We'll choose a direction and move forward together. We'll see this through... come what may." It was now that Devlin drew her sword once more. Her nostrils flared as she deeply inhaled the stale odor of death. Electrical energy surged her system, manifesting itself in the form of violet tripod legs that crawled their way down the weapon and dispelled in a series of sparks at the tip of the blade. She then placed her free hand on Ren's shoulder and gently kissed his cheek. When her lips made contact, he would have felt the short, tickling sting of electricity against his skin. "Stay close to me...." Her whispered words brushed warm against his ear. She regards Jack, Gabriel, Corc, and the others more briefly, before nodding her head in direction of the hallway across the room, and suggests; "I feel that's the direction we should take. If no one objects, we should keep moving now." Allowing a moment for the other members to voice their reply, and regardless of their opinion on the matter, Devlin calmly makes her way to Jack and takes one of his torches without asking, but gives him a slight nod to convey her cold gratitude. Having the torch in one hand and her sword in the other, she proceeds into the hallway on the other side of the chamber.[/indent]