[u][b]Thessir[/b][/u] The registration was an annoying process but sadly necessary. He did not know where the actual tournament would take place but he hoped it would at least be indoors. It was too much to hope it would take place at night so he'd take what he could get. As he dwelt upon the upcoming tournament, a long curved dagger in hand as he whittled away at the end of his dowel, a simple human strolled on up to him before stopping. [b]"Ah, excuse me sir. I need to get into the tent."[/b] The man requested, unwittingly looming well over Thessir's small frame as their eyes met. "Ahhh... My apologies." He bowed his head, his hat blocking sight of his face completely. With a simple step to the side he moved out of the shadow the taller man was casting. Despite the pleasant shade this stranger was casting he had to register along with all the others who dared to brave the rigors of the tournament and he was not one to stop this fellow from proceeding on through. _ "Do not lit one such as I impede you. I myself no longer have need of these tents... Or so I'm told." He chuckled in a strange manner, both ominous yet somewhat loopy, as he stripped yet another long sliver of wood from the end of his pole. With any luck before the fights begin he'd have his makeshift spear ready. Until then it was strip after strip after strip, cutting away the flesh of the branch until it accepts the desired shape being imposed upon it. He could see how the other students reacted to him. He didn't care but it was curious nonetheless. It was an interesting mystery just what he had up his sleeve but he wasn't about to change the tune he whittled to at the whim of some crowd favorite's passing by. "Remember to dot your T's and cross your I's. The human kingdoms show fondniss for parchmints of dubious necessity." He added, slowly whittling away at his wooden rod all the while. After it seemed he had finished speaking he gave a low and somewhat discordant chuckle, giggles which sometimes spiked in pitch without warning. No matter whether or not it made sense to them he certainly found his points amusing. _ [@PaulHaynek]