[centre] [h1][color=silver][b]TAINTED LOVE[/b][/color][/h1] [hr] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4tenjf2K61rodga1.gif[/img][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/AzOks5HdNNgiY/giphy.gif[/img] [hr] Starring: Cameron Hyde and Gwen “Aces” Morgan [hr] [i][color=olive]”Come out, come out. Little mouse I'm not going to hurt you. Come out, come out and play”[/color] The blood felt warm and fresh as it travelled down his body, making its way slowly across every contour and imperfection of his skin and dripping onto the floor. The sound of the dollops was deafening in the silent yacht corridor. Yet in that silence, the ringing, the ringing just wouldn’t stop. He surveyed the carnage in his wake, the crumpled heaps of mass on the floor the were once 90210’s favourite sons and daughters. Fucking cunts. He was number 1. A shuffle in the distance, he almost forgot there was one left. One last little mouse in his snake pit. He trenched onwards, the crackle of his knuckles satisfying his need as he made a fist. [color=olive]”Run little mouse, run run run as fast as you can”[/color] He took off running, she wouldn’t get far. He was fast, built like a juggernaut, unstoppable, irresistible. There she was, heading for the exit, she wouldn’t make it. He was already there, his large hand gripping her delicate little neck and squeezing as a smiles crossed his bloodied teeth. [color=olive]”Good evening, thank you for having the good sense to be frightened”[/color][/i] Cameron awoke from his daze as a warm hand place itself on top of his. [color=azure]”I hate to tell you this handsome but he’s just not that into you”[/color] Aces crimson lips were in a half smile of bemusement. Hyde jerked his hand away and took a step back. [color=olive]”Fuck you talking about?”[/color] She reaches into her bra and pulled out a cigarette, offering it to the monster among princes. He took it forcefully before she took one for herself and lit them both. [color=azure]”McCarthy. I’m a people watcher Mr Hyde and I’ve been watching you. You want Lee, that’s not a crime he is a beautiful man. But I’m afraid Lee McCarthy is only on this life for Lee McCarthy. That girl he’s dancing with? That’s who he wants to surround himself with, the elite. Cameron dear, your a dog town skate rat with sand between your ears and blood under your fingernails. Still you clean up good and I know you swing both ways so there’s bound to me someone here. As for Lee, darling that just ain’t gonna happen for yo…”[/color] Gwen didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence before Hyde had grabbed her wrists and slammed them against the wall hard. He pinned her there and put his weight squarely on her chest. From the outside they looked like teenagers fooling around, in close quarters, Gwen was utterly terrified. She had poked the bear and now he was biting back. [color=olive]”Say another word and I’ll rip your fucking jaw off”[/color] He pressed his forehead against hers, a semi head butt and hissed through his teeth. [color=olive]”Learn to stay quiet, Morgan or I can make life very fucking difficult for you. You’re very right, I’m not from your world that’s what makes me dangerous. I’m fucking number one, the monster under your bed. Don’t test me bitch”[/color] Hyde released one of her arms and then grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, slamming down against her skin and scolding her wrist. Gwen’s eyes immediately filled up with tears as me put the death stick out on her. [color=olive]”Do not fucking test me”[/color] Finally he relented and let her go. Aces looked at him with a look of pure terror before fleeing to a nearby by bathroom. She ran her fresh wound under an icy cold tap as the tears smudged her smokey make up. As the fear began to fade, it was replaced by an exhilaration. Gwen enjoyed fucking with people it was very much her nature and yet what she just did could’ve ended very badly for her. Everyone and their grandmother knew not to duck with Cameron Hyde, you just didn’t do it. So why did she? Why couldn’t she stop herself? She slid down the bathroom wall as her chest tightened. Curling up into a ball she tried to take her breath back for the night that had stolen it. What the fuck was wrong with her? Hyde watched as Lee and Stella danced the evening away, completely consumed by each other. Their smiles said everything they needed to say. The Lord of Dogtown clenched his fists hard, he could feel his fingertips digging into the skin. He turned towards the bar and slammed a few shots. The ringing was not stopping, it was getting worse. What he needed was to release some tension. He just needed a willing or not so willing participant. Permission was not something he waited for.[/centre]