[h2]ELIZABETH[/h2]"G—gah! What do you think you are doing, calling people cute out of the blue like this? You dummy Emperor!" Elizabeth's face was as pink as her hair after Caster's surprise move. She knew that she couldn't underestimate the blonde Emperor but she wasn't expecting this kind of surprise counter at all. "W—well, if you don't remember it, I guess that there's no point in arguing. Actually, who knows what could happen if I told you about what happened at the Moon Holy Grail War?" Elizabeth muttered, thinking out loud. "Very well then, Caster, what happened in the future doesn't matter for us Servants. But even so, it doesn't change the fact that you are the only one worthy of being called my rival at the stage. As long as this performance lasts, I'll make it my personal mission to keep you safe and make sure you understand what I mean," she said while waving her tail to and fro to show that she was being serious about her words. "If I let this chance escape, who knows how much I'll have to wait before we meet again at another Holy Grail War?" "Ah, right on time, Saber!" Elizabeth said, gesturing for the other Servant to come closer just as she finished her fiery declaration. "The market, you say? That's actually quite a good idea. Off we go, then!" she added with an enthused tone while shamelessly wedging herself between the pair of blonde royals on their way to the town's marketplace. "Actually, now that I think about it. The two of you look quite a lot like one another, don't you? Could it be that you are distant relatives or something like this?" Elizabeth said with a voice that more or less betrayed the fact that she trying to hit on them while walking down the partially empty streets. [hr]