Near the back of the crowd of other pokemon, a midnight lycanroc listened to the charmeleon's speech on the cruelty of trainers. The white spikes of her main were each dyed at the tips, alternating between red and black. Around her neck was a rusted chained collar, something she was never able to get off and now simply didn't care that was around her, it was a sign that she had broken of her shackles of her trainer and she wore it proudly. Her left ear had two piercings in it, something her old trainer had stated was to make her look cool. Her face had a unique black fur design around her features. Scars littered her body, easy to tell where they were due the fur only growing back lightly compared to the rest of her pelt. Her name was Sidia, a name she gave herself once gaining her freedom. Sidia knew all to well the cruelty that they possessed. Her body had the scars left behind by her trainer in her old life when she was naive to it all. She had been raised at a training center when she was just a young rockruff, to be a trainer's starter pokemon. One day she got the chance to be someone's first pokemon. At first life seemed great but whatever bond was suppose to be there between pokemon and trainer never formed. Soon her trainer's true colors appeared. All he had wanted was to win and loosing was not an option. Yet no matter how many wins she gave him it never seemed to matter, there was always something to fault. It wouldn't be until she evolved that she would finally realize that there was nothing wrong in what she did but her master was just cruel. Eventually she got fed up with it. On another day of training and verbal abuse, when her trainer went to strike her for not hitting a target the way he wanted, she lashed out, attack him and then stealing away the tiny prisons of her comrades that he had gained on their travels. Sidia fled into the concrete jungle of man, there she would carve out a place for herself and others in the back alleyways, keeping humans away and being a haven for other wandering pokemon in the human world. The only rule was not to mess with her or her companions she released from their tiny spherical prisons.