"Hm.. That seems rather interesting, actually. could you go into more detail about his violent history with the bank? More in Particular, how far did these outbursts go? were they just minor, childish fits. or were they full blown assaults on employees and destruction of public property?' He'd say with a bit of a curious tone. If he had a motive for hating Greene, he wanted to know as soon as physically possible. and if he had a past history of assault, it might infact lead furthermore to the conclusion that that he would be willing to go as far as kill his dad to get what he wanted. "And, regardless. do you happen to know of anyone else with potential motives to harm Greene Banking, or Greene's cooperation overall?" It almost seemed as if he had this... tone of nervousness to him, that nobody around him could quite ignore. something seemed very off about him during this entire investigation, but now. it was becoming more easy to spot.