A great mass of Orks eagerly chatter about as the stories of the Rug Raider has captured their green hearts. The tales of fighting exotic enemies, making huge profits, fighting with the best war gear, exploring new systems, fighting hordes of people, enlightening primitives to the modern age and most importantly, fighting a lot of people from all over the place with a lot of fancy weapons was too exciting for the Orks to simply not think of. Several of the more "traditionalist" Nobs bellowed for their boyz to get back in line and continue whatever they were doing that wasn't all of this fancy thinking stuff stuff. However, there are enough boyz that are still interest that brings up the question of if they should really take on the life of a Roof Trainer. Several of the more enterprising individuals quickly claim that they should be, either due to their own belief of superiority or that they just wanted a reason to fight someone. Small scuffles quickly break out and while they aren't massive mosh pits of chaotic melee, they seem to be growing and the shouting and chanting of the boys quickly grow louder as more and more pile in to lay claim to the title of Hulk Baiter. In the middle of this, a trio of Orks named Gutzwakka, Adurk and Krunkelfukk have formed an unlikely alliance like many others to attempt and secure their own position in what could be a new hierarchy. As they ponder what to do next, a Gretchin runs towards them, carrying the hat of the former Rogue Trader.