Despite thinking Giovanni was such a sleaze upon the first encounter, seeing where he came from and putting his brother in such such a dangerous position, she couldn't help but congratulate the guy for making the right call. Even imagining what Italy was like in her state of mind was hard to could she imagine a place like Hell, let alone living in it? Catrina suppressed a scoff bubbling in her chest when Giovanni compliments their choice of housing, but before she could comment on his words, what he had to say next had the redhead look up with wide, teary eyes. [color=firebrick][b]"W-We..?"[/b][/color] She whispered, her tone shocked and hushed. [color=firebrick][b]"You'll s-stay with us? R-Really?"[/b][/color] She continued before nodding dumbly at the rest of his questions. Knowing her parents, there had to be at least a few backpacks and a sewing kit lying around in case someone's clothes teared. The redhead was startled when suddenly Alistair stood up, claiming he needed to do something alone before hurrying off without a response in return. [color=firebrick][b]"Wait, A-Al..."[/b][/color] Na slowly shuffled up to her knees in attempts to hurry after the boy, but before she could get to her feet, Giovanni stopped her. It sounded like he was talking from experience whether it be him or someone else. Shaking her head quickly to try and focus, Catrina hurried out of her room, murmuring that she'd look for everything he asked for. As she passed any windows, Na shakily pulled at the curtains. She wasted no time collecting four medium sized backpacks, a sewing kit, non-perishable foods, and even some blankets. What had her stumped was the meat, protein and other perishable foods that would go to waste if they just left it all here. Her eyes moved to the stove wearily before looking back at the open fridge. Meanwhile, Nino remained rested on his back, looking at Giovanni with a small frown. [color=orchid][b]"...You should go help her."[/b][/color] He sighed out, pulling his hoodie collar up to wipe the sweat forming on his face.