This is my first time running a campaign so if there is anything I'm doing weirdly feel free to correct me. Here's the character sheet [h2]Name:[/h2] [h2]Basic Information[/h2] Age: Country of Origin: Previous Occupation: Previous Economic Class: Languages you know: Gender: Appearance: [h2]Your Story and Connections[/h2] The Backstory to Your Character: Why you were banished: Family and Friends(include names, brief descriptions and which country they’re in): [h2]Things you Smuggled Out[/h2] 2 points Bandages: 3 points 20 Rofnels (Currency of Rinnidun) 3 points Pudding 2 points 3 ft of twine 3 points A lighter 2 points A small item of value (Small pocket watch, lockets ect…) 4 points Stuffed animal 1 point