Other than the occasional spark of electricity from blasted casino tables and the return of a service droid looking to serve her a drink, the club was dead inside. It would do Gallowin some good to know that the intel of their new ally could be trusted. The New Republic’s manpower was in poor supply and the effort to conceal it would be wasted; eventually, the enemy would learn that they could be overwhelmed in one swift stroke. The base was well-defended, but throw enough bodies at anything and the odds of it going down are that much greater. Her mind raced in place of her feet, considering things she’d gone over several times. She spent only minutes seated before the doors to the entrance opened in the distance. She turned her head up and tried to get a read on who was coming, but… nothing. A droid? This club appeared too important to send droids to examine. The reveal of a dull-looking young man, flesh and blood, made her out to be wrong. Tired eyes, tan skin, dark hair—Blank. Lahana wasn’t wrong about how plain he looked. Gloopra, on the other hand, had been wrong about this mysterious dark side of the Force he claimed to feel. Ignoring his lackadaisical attitude to focus on the quality of his words, she at least gave Blank the respect one deserved upon a first encounter. Her eyes met his; once stationed, she attempted to find his presence with the Force again. Nothing. He was invisible through the Force, yet sat before her very much real. The technique of hiding oneself through the Force wasn’t unknown to her. How he managed to do it raised another question atop many more. She chose silence until his introduction was complete, and once it was she did not hesitate. [color=fff79a][b]“I’m afraid so, Blank. You really live up to your name.”[/b][/color] Seeing that he couldn’t find a chair of his own or didn’t bother to, Anari rose from her seat courteously, lightly kicking it with the back of her heel. It fell over without a fight. [color=fff79a][b]“Some of my ‘colleagues’ told me about you. One claimed you were surrounded by the Dark Side of the Force. Said it penetrated you. He even suspected you were Sith.”[/b][/color] For the sake of confirming it through more than words, Anari tried one last time to penetrate the field that kept Blank from being felt. She sensed nothing, again. No darkness. No light. Blank was simply… blank. Sith were known to conceal themselves for opportunities but Blank was far, far too careless to be Sith himself. There simply wasn’t enough evidence. Even so, she had to leave here with certainty. [color=fff79a][b]“I don’t think you have any reason to lie about this next question. Blank, are you Sith, or even a follower of the dark side of the Force?” [/b][/color]