[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/e748cac9-88a8-40d2-b784-205cd72321ce.jpg] BELIZANO FAIZE BLACK 18 years old leader of LEGENDS The leader of LEGENDS and a senior at AOA. Belizano is an orphan who attends the school on a scholarship because of his exceptional voice. Growing up he always wished for a family but he was never adopted by anybody, so he gave up on the idea and began to detest his own name, believing it was the name given to him by a family who abandoned him. For this reason he prefers to go by "Fai", a shortened version of his middle name, although people he is not close to tend to still call him by Belizano. He has a love for fortune telling because he received a deck of tarot cards as a kid once and he still carries around the deck, happy to tell people their fortunes if they ask. Besides that hobby, Belizano absolutely loves to sing and dance. He is very devoted to LEGENDS and has a lot of fun being an idol. But although he is in the competition for mostly fun, Belizano does not do anything half halfheartedly, and claims that if they enter then they compete to win. He can be an inspiring leader when he wants to be and when he gets serious, his practice schedules can seem relentless to outsiders, but Belizano is very good about working with Oz at bringing out his and his friends' potential. [/center]