[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] The conflict of Nightmares was disturbed ever slightly by a clash of magical power. Two Magical Girls, one of light and one of shadow, exchanged blows with each other without a regard for anyone or anything else. But their battle had very real consequences for either side. The building they fought upon practically shattered into little more than raining piles of rubble, miniature meteors that were about to slam into the night life populace below. Not that any Dark Magical Girl would care, but frankly it was hard to hide dropping a building in the middle of Miso City. That was why quick shots of ice were blasted out, each one of them catching the remains of the building and holding them firm like a bridge. A few almost made it to their mark here and there, but no causalities were had thanks to a not so happy ice-wielder. No doubt Kanbaru would have some hot words for her partner when this was over… The main event however, had taken an interesting twist. The flow of Nightmares, once clamoring atop of themselves to get at Mari, now pulsed with confusion as she came to them instead. A good chunk were destroyed by her heavy landing, dissipating into nothing, before the rest of the swarm reacted in kind. Like a wave of black, they clawed and scratched greedily behind Mari, eager to consume her light and destroy her. It left their backs wide open for the other Magical Girl. By now what was left of the horde was a few far and below. Between those Nightmares who broke off to engage the other Magical Girls, those following Mari had reduced to a number that any one of them could manage. And with the other girls slaying their prey quickly and without remorse, it was only a matter of time before this night’s hunt would come to an end. Yes, the sensation of approaching power was probably buzzing in all of the Dark Magical Girls. But with the Nightmares being picked off one by one, it would eventually leave Mari alone with them. Whether or not they were cruel enough to fight her for her ideals or let her scour off for the night depended on the teamwork and negotiation exuded by those following the shadows. As the Nightmares vanished one by one, slain or purified, it was as if Miso City itself held its breath on this chilly night… [hr]