Gloopra picked up the blaster again as he got to his feet and felt the engines kick into life. He listened to the announcement. At first, he assumed the man was an amateur, getting in way over his head by trying to capture Jedi without really appreciating what that meant. Then he heard that the man was sending droids. If it was more of the ones from outside, then this would be quick. He then finished the communications "Alright, you can try to kill us, but I can't promise you'll survive either." He said, before pulling out his comm-link "Ricky, we've been trapped, lock onto my location and begin pursuit." He ordered. "If you don't hear from us in a few minutes, shoot this craft down." Of course, R7 didn't have access to the Silencer's weapons systems to fire, but this blaze or flames or whatever the hell his name was didn't know that. He readied the blaster, before hearing an all-too-familiar sound and having a minor flashback to his pirating days fighting against the Zann Consortium. "Droideka's, and just when I don't have any grenades on me" he grunted, before throwing down the blaster and following Fufuro. "Fufuro, do you have any grenades? their weakness is that they only reflect energy, not physical matter. If you can roll a grenade into it's shields to where it explodes inside, it'll wreck it." He quickly panted. He then looked at the others. "What, the Zann Consortium used to use them all the time." He didn't bother to wait for a response as he walked over to one of the walls and felt along it. Nothing behind the wall, he took out his lightsaber. "In any case, we'll have a better time if we go around them." He then stuck the green blade into the wall, before beginning to cut a hole for them to move through.