Joseph looked up at the… blurry shape… who offered him their water. “Thanks… I can’t make out your face, so I’m gonna say… Either Mystique or Deadpool. Just wanna cover my bases.” He turned to the zoolady, who asked if he could drink it. “Yeah, nah, don’t worry Jean. I may not be able to… stand, apparently, but I dragged myself over here, so at least my arms work.” He looked over to the guy in the wheelchair. “Birds of a feathe… You know, I think my brain just caught up with me, my eyes are clearing up, and despite what I was thinking before, you [i]aren’t[/i], in fact, Professor Xavier. I’m very sorry about that, and also the joke I thankfully hold back. I know you probably wanna take me up on what I asked before and throw me into the bear enclosure, but the answer for your question is… I think eight days. Maybe more. New record, actually. I… I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore, and I still kinda wanna eat that bear if I get the chance.” He turned back to the zoo lady again. “Don’t tell security [i]or[/i] Angela about that last bit. Hey, look, my food!” He looked excitedly at the… probably Deadpool… as he brought his food over. “Thanks Wade.” He said, reaching out to the food. His expression morphed to horror and rage, as Zoo Lady pushed it all away. “Hey hey hey! That’s dogs, not people! Come on!” Eventually, he just sighed, as she handed him a single chicken salad. “Ok, I don’t know if you’ve heard of me, but I’m the legendary Joseph Moore. The guy who finished a bottle of absinthe on an empty stomach in ten minutes, and didn’t even have a stomach ache the next morning. Just starvation. But even then, I was able to eat four peoples worth of breakfast food, and survived at least an extra month and a half. The point is I’m kind of awesome when it comes to this kind of thing.” He looked to the pile, and back to the people present. “Anyway, I’m sorry about the wheelchair jokes, and the bit where I thought Deadpool was a girl, that was insensitive of me, but I heard there was a party later this week, and I gotta get my costume sorted out. So, I’ll just take my food, thank you, and… I’ll see you on Friday!” And then he quickly scooped up as much food as he could and sprinted away. He had to get back to his alley! Of course, he made it about ten metres before he dropped most of his food, stumbled while trying to pick it up without stopping, and realized he needed more food before he could get up. A few minutes later, the ambulance pulled up, and despite his protests, they pulled him inside and drove off. [hr] A few days later, he found himself back in his good old alley, the one near town hall. Unfortunately, he’d just gotten out of hospital earlier that day, and didn’t have the time to make a [i]new[/i] outfit. Luckily, he just so happened to have stashed an old classic close by. “Hello, my old friend. It’s been a long time. Like, at least a month.” [hr] And later that night, he found himself at the famous… ‘famous’… Club Aether. “Man, nice place to reintroduce myself to the city.” He said, looking around in his [url=] trademark cardboard suit[/url]. “Now if only there were three drunk, morally defective deficits to humanity I could make fun of. Seriously, I haven’t seen Fidel Fatro in [i]ages[/i], I almost miss the stupid lump. Actually, I haven’t seen [i]most[/i] of the guys from back then. Where are the others?”