[CENTER] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZiZGFhMi5RbUZ5YjI0Z1R5ZE9aV2xzLjAAAAAA/rhesmanisa.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][color=silver]Tuesday, August 21[sup]st[/sup], 2018 - The Loft[/color][/sup][/INDENT] After finishing up with his group, he was comfortable in knowing that he'd done [i]something[/i] productive. While he wasn't a master of the language, he was decent at French and he had translated their selection with ease. The people in his group hadn't been too hard to work with, even if he'd been bored before they even started. That wasn't their fault, he just tended to revert back into his slacker ways when assignments were put in front of him. They had done good though[i][/i], he was confident that it wouldn't be easy to decipher their code without a grasp on French. He was relaxing and waiting when the scream happened. The scream jarred him, shaking him up enough that he looked up and immediately started gazing at the door. He didn't know how he was supposed to react, he just knew that he was quickly starting to feel unsafe. Screaming meant that there was danger and danger meant that he needed to get as far away from this as he possibly could. He was about to get to his feet and bolt, stopped only by the teacher's voice telling them to remain seated. It took a lot of self-restraint not to ask Mr. Lehrer if he thought it was somehow smarter to stay here and die than to run like hell. That was Baron's first instinct when it came to dangerous situations, [i]to run away from them[/i]. Now, he was stuck here and he was very unhappy about it. Something unpleasant was thrumming through him, setting him alight with fear and anxiety. If someone was hurt outside of this loft, did that mean that he was destined to be hurt as well? That scream had sounded so [i]raw[/i], it wasn't staged and it wasn't planned. It was truly [i]terrified[/i]. It made him feel horrible inside, it made him feel [i]caged[/i]. He tried to focus, mapping out exit plans, just in case this turned into a crisis scenario. He had to know where all of his escape routes were. Maybe he should have been brave, like the brunette girl that had been on his team. She was taking off after the teacher as if there was something more that she could do to help. He didn't want to get up unless he was leaving completely, he didn't want to go chase down some phantom killer or to see whatever carnage awaited him outside the loft. He didn't want to [i]help[/i]. Baron O'Neil was a coward, he wasn't virtuous or brave, he was a [i]coward.[/i] He knew and he accepted that, he had no delusions of being heroic. He just wanted to get through the first day of school without being injured or maimed, he didn't think that was so much to ask for. His birthday was coming up soon and the best gift of all would to not be dead on it. He was biting his nails with anxiety as he waited for something to come up those stairs. None of his skills prepared him for bad situations, he couldn't pirouette past a serial killer. Well, he [i]could[/i] but it would be very a stupid idea. So, he waited, watching and counting the seconds.