[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 22nd, 2017 - End Of Day[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] Zoie didn't like the idea either but getting out was getting out and she needed to move, now. The video feeds were off and if they stayed it was just going to get drug out even more on their end, especially once security found the little present she left them on the forth floor. Relic didn't like it either but it was better than staying as far as he was concerned. So it was agreed. They would move and get the hell out of dodge before anyone was the wiser. Zoie wasn't normally glad she worked for Juno but being part of the lessers had it's advantages, less known but still with some knowledge. Relic had the plans pulled up and it showed where the duct work was, what wasn't on the public plans was part of the plans they had stolen from the computers when they vanished earlier. Escape tunnels. Elizabeth wasn't stupid, she knew an exit strategy was always key to survival. Behind them was that very key, a pressure sensitive wall that gave way when Zoie pushed in on it. Opening up to a separate set of stair that lead down. "Hurry," she said. Relic walked in and headed down the dimly lit steps. Zoie waited for Mali to enter before stepping in herself and shutting the door. Once it shut the lights came up a bit making it easier to see and suddenly the video feeds and computers in Queensguard powered back up. "Just keep going," she said and Relic nodded moving quickly as he could without risking tripping and falling. The stairs went down a good ways and then opened up to tunnels. These were sewers alright but not like the shallow ones most thought of. These were wide, with sidewalks on either side that were elevated above the actual waste. It stunk but it was a way out. "Hand me your phone," Zoie said as she got to the bottom. Taking as her brother handed it over to her she sent a quick text. [i]~Sorry I had to go, the place was dead. Promise to buy you brunch tomorrow.~[/i] Hitting send she handed the phone back over and smiled towards Mali. "Hell of a first date wouldn't ya say?" she said trying to lighten the mood. "What did you do?" Relic asked as he walked, he didn't figure they were booking ass this way because of what had happened earlier. Inside Marc looked down at his phone as it buzzed. His brow perking some at the message. Why in the hell had they left and how? Looking around he noted a few of the security team putting their hand to their ears. He knew what that meant, they were getting word from someone on the team but their faces didn't tell him what it was about. "Boss, forth floor. We have a problem. Two dead, hell of a rumble looks to have gone down up here," the voice chimed in on the security channel. Things were calmer at the airport. Roy managed to grab a few cartons of smokes, somethings to drink, couple of bags of chips and such before heading back. The call went out that the plane was loading now. That was good, the sooner they were out of Justice the better in his eyes. "Alright, time to go," he said before making his way to the gate. It wasn't long before they were all loaded up. First class wasn't bad as far as he was concerned. It gave them quick access to get off the plane, put them near the cockpit, and bathroom. He could get used to this. Seated he kicked back and waited for take off. The plane wasn't very full. Not many people were headed to Colorado in the summer. The plane would stop in Denver before heading to Indianapolis. Once they were in the air, the stewardess brought around the cart with drinks and a bag of pretzels. Other food could be bought if one wanted it. Roy was content with what he brought on board. He snacked but it was obvious he was tired and ended up passing out in his seat. He didn't even rouse when the plane sat down in Denver and took back off. It seemed his ass was going to sleep all the way to Indianapolis. Down in Mexico Tasha yawned a bit. They had stopped in Vallecillo for the night and got a room at a 4 bedroom in just off the highway. It was nothing more than a house an old woman was renting out rooms in but it worked. They had a large bed, large enough to share, there was a bathroom down the hallway and the woman seemed nice enough. No one else was renting from her right then, so it was just the three of them. She didn't speak a lick of English but thankfully Natasha spoke Spanish. Seemed the old woman was a widow, her husband dying about ten years back. Her kids had gone to the US some time ago, she hadn't seen them in ages but got calls weekly. the food was decent and such but the place was hot. She didn't have any central air. Fans and a window unit though was in their bedroom. Natasha was thankful for that. It had been a long drive for her and fleeing partner. It didn't take long once Natashas head hit the pillow before she was out cold. She wasn't the only one turning in for the night, seemed Maria had had enough of the noise and had grabbed Liam before turning in. She left word that she would be at the airport first thing in the morning to fly out to Justice. Yes her daughter still needed to be buried but she was not going to be there for that. She couldn't bring herself to watch her little girl be put into the ground. Thankfully she had Liam and business to keep her busy. At the circus Barney nodded a bit. "Good, then you can help me wrangle her in before she gets herself killed, come on," he said as he climbed out of the car. Looking around the place was in chaos and his eyes narrowed. Resting his hand on his hip, he unlatched his side arm. He didn't want to use it but he would if he had to. Walking slowly he looked around, no one was questioning him but considering what had been going on he wasn't surprised. He heard people screaming in Russian and spotting a pale blonde with bright blue eyes running across the grounds yelling in Russian, only word he could make out was Bazhooli. Then he heard it. "Mother puss bucket," he said before tearing off down the main thorofare. The noise got louder and louder. It was obviously a helicopter. He hadn't even rounded the corner when it took off and he spotted his darling daughter, grand daughter, and one more in the machine before it cut and took off heading west. "God damn it!" he yelled before kicking the ground. Placing his hands on his hips he shook his head and started to walk back towards the car. "Fucking hell," he said as he pulled out his phone and made a call. "Yeah, listen, I need a tacker done. Helicopter, taking off from the circus in Justice." Sighing he hung up, of course his daughter had stolen a helicopter. They didn't need clearance to take off, no flight plan, no security check. A car would have been less noticeable but a helicopter was faster. "Come on, we have a flight to catch," he said as he climbed back into the car. "I know where she is going." He did, he knew exactly where his daughter was headed. Straight back to Grimm. She had sworn to him time and time again that once she got her daughter back she would make the adoptive parents pay for what they did to Cynthia. Little did he know there were already others headed in that very direction. Shit was about to get real in Grimm once again. Upstairs at Queensguard, it seemed another murder had taken place. They had to call the police now. A woman dropping dead could be anything, these two were obviously stabbed to death. The police commissioner was there, so that allowed them to keep things more quiet but still, it couldn't be avoided then. It was going to be a long night. And it was. Police showed up, questioning everyone before letting them leave. The paramedics came but all they were doing was collecting bodies. Sadly nothing had been recorded during the down time of the computers and security feeds. It was a blank time where no one knew what happened. Elizabeth and her special guests that had been moved away from the scene had been the first to be questioned before being lead out so they could leave. "Activate March," she said to McCormick as they were leaving through the front door. "Yes Ma'am," Leann said as she pulled out her phone and hit a button on it. Marc glanced over to the women as they left but stayed where he was. He still had to be questioned. Tinder was questioned, he wasn't on the list but he had either been at the limo the whole time or just inside in plain sight, so he was done rather quickly. Wentworth was questioned as well and then out the door. One by one everyone was questioned before filing out and escorted off the grounds. The bodies were not moved until everyone but the police commissioner, the rest of the police, the security team, and paramedics were left. Marc was glad to be out of there, he knew Zoie, Relic, and Mali were out. He had wondered why they had left but once he caught a glimpse of the two bodies being brought down from upstairs he figured out why. Zoie. He wondered what had happened and if Zoie was okay. For her to kill two people and then vanish like that, it wasn't smart. Something had to go down. Security would know Zoie hadn't left, she was on the guest list and wasn't checked off once everyone was cleared to go and escorted off. Pulling out of the complex he looked down at his phone and then kept driving. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. Zoie pushed open a door and they were in a basement. "Where are we?" Relic asked. "Club Afterdark," Zoie said as they came into the room and she shut the basement door. Heels could be heard on the stairs and Zoie spun around only to see Trisha there. "What the hell girl?" the woman asked as she lowered her gun. "Don't ask, we just need a place to crash tonight," Zoie said. Trisha nodded and holstered her gun at her waist. "Sure, rooms upstairs are empty, no one is renting currently," she said. It wasn't long before they had gone up the stairs, passed the main ground floor and up another set. Once there, Trisha unlocked the door for them and motioned they could go in. "Fill me in in the morning," she said before walking off and back downstairs. Zoie flopped down on the couch and kicked off her heels. "Sweet Jesus, that sucked," she said as she reached under her dress. She didn't pull out the knife from earlier, that had been left in the chest of Risa. What she did pull out however was a phone. "Here," she said as she tossed it to her brother. Relic took it and his eyes scanned over it. Perking a brow slightly as he spotted a picture of a now dead Mexican woman and one very pale blue eyed man on what looked to be a college campus years ago. "Seriously?" "Seems so," she said before leaning back and huffing.