G scanned CyberAngemeon with her Digivice. The display read ERROR! “Leomon there is no data on that CyberAngemeon. Mom’s tablet said date for every Digimon was in the Digivice. I recommend extreme caution.” She was trying to see how to make Leomon evolve again but higher level evolution was locked out. She knew Leomon had to be hungry after the last battle. She went into the cafe below and converted as much food as possible into data. She then went back to the room and uploaded it directly into Leomon. Leomon remained cautious. This thing was an abomination of the Angemon species. He wondered how this abomination was going to deal with them, could mean annihilation or simply to talk out a misunderstanding. For all he knew the other Digimon & Digidestined started the fight. He didn’t let his guard down, posed ready to strike at a moment’s notice.