Amusingly this is the fourth time today I have encountered this question by sheer coincidence. That said I may as well keep with the theme and elaborate on it. Unsurprisingly to many, my usual archetypes revolve around being the "wise old man", at least in the sense my classes are often druids, shamans, or some sort of priest or cleric, something with general combat ability but potent spellcasting and magical prowess. Usually these rely on the powers of nature, most often plant and animal though elemental as well. Where devoted to more combat I edge toward the ranger or huntsman, a master of the wild and animal-friend as well as a figure of many knacks. However, the "green-knight" or champion of nature is perhaps my favorite rare archetype, a mixture of paladin and ranger. Where possible I take on bestial motifs or characters, at the most extreme playing mythic animals or more subdued with people who affiliate with them such as the shaman who takes on various personas of the embodied ideal after consorting with them. Subsequently, this often ends up being some mixture of the Wise Old Man, the Great Father, the Magician, and the Hero, depending where things fall. If left wholly to my choices? I play out the "Great Beast", the "Feral Druid", the "Savage Priest", or the "Champion of Nature". This oft involves being a bit bloodthirsty in combat, mixing claw and fang, with magical addition. Magic for the sake of magic always feels like excess and almost exclusively have I ever been at odds with the bardic or roguish types alongside the high and mighty wizardly sorts. There is also some underlying tone of the arcane I tend toward being at odds with or knowledge, let alone power, for its own sake; self-powered divine spellcasting, soulcasting. or psionics are much more to taste.