[color=00aeef][center][h1]Chres Sansus[/h1][/center][/color] Major interaction [@JerkChicken] Minor obscure mention of [@13org] [hr] "What the h-" Chres heard a voice say from out side his room. He the heard the sound of someone shushing him urgently. The sound came from the left of his room. Down the stairs. Chres arched an eyebrow, pursing his lips into half a frown. A little too late for stealth. Chres tossed his dagger over to his left hand as he made his way to the door. On his way, He grabbed the other compressed heat construct he used to trap the window, carefully removing it. It felt slightly warm in his hands. A warmth he was unable to retrieve. Halfway to the door, a man carefully peered into his room. Stupid. Chres threw his dagger at the man aiming for his eye socket. The man didn't notice, however, because as soon as he positioned his head to look into Chres's room, something else caught his attention down the hall causing him to turn is head. The dagger ended up taking the man on the right side of his head. Wounding him but not fully piercing the skull. The man cryed out in pain dropping to the floor as did Chres's dagger. Chres cursed under his breath as he quickened his pace, kicked the man in the head, and then tossed the compressed heat construct he grabbed down the stairs. The heat construct hit the stairwell ceiling and released its compressed energy causing an explosion of force. Chres heard the satisfying sound of the wooden ceiling collapsing on his unsuspecting foes. "Tempraisionist!" He heard someone shout from the bottom of the steps in-between fits of coughing. Chres didn't spare a second. He swooped down to the floor, picking up his fallen dagger with his left, while thrusting his right hand towards the throat of the man he kicked. Before his hand reached the man's throat, Chres Shaped a blade-form heat construct into his hand. The heat construct easily slid into the man's throat. Chres ended the thrust with a slash of his hand effectively slitting the man's throat. As soon as the blade exited the man, the blade vanished. The energy, which had not already been dispersed into the air, being retrieved by Chres and stored away for future use. [color=00aeef]"Sil,"[/color] Chres began quietly, [color=00aeef]"Can you give me a count of how many are downstairs?"[/color] [color=a2d39c]"Count?"[/color] Sil asked head tilted. She looked deep in thought. He finger to her lips and eyes looking upwards. [color=a2d39c]"Hmmm..... Do I know how to count?"[/color] Chres opened his mouth to speak, but before he could respond, Sil's eyes lit up. [color=a2d39c]"That's right! I remember now!"[/color]. And without another word she zipped off down the steps. [color=00aeef]"Wait, remembered what?"[/color] Chres asked calling after her. [color=a2d39c]"That I don't know how to count!"[/color] she answered back, halfway down the steps. Chres groaned placing his thumb and fore finger to his forehead. Seven times he had taught her to count. Perhaps it was just a hopeless cause. Chres released a sigh and took a quick peak out of his room down the steps. Two people were collapsed on the ground as far as Chres could see. A female on the steps. A male flat on the floor at the bottom of the steps. Chres figured the he had been knocked backwards from the blast. He was being pulled away by his friends and was groaning in pain. The female on the steps was silent. It looked like she took a plank of wood to the head. Probably not dead. More likely unconscious. That accounted for all the nearby foes except... The man who had triggered Chres's trap on the door had gotten back on his feet. Splinters from the door, all across his face. With a short sword in hand he lunged it straight towards Chres's chest... [center]*****[/center] Sil flew down the steps on a super important mission. She needed to count. Sounded easy, but was it? Absolutely not! Counting required delicacy, smarts and an attention span that lasted longer than five seconds! It was an art that only someone like Sil, the graceful, could accomplish! It was a shame, though, she didn't know how to count. Sil zipped into the common room of the inn. To her right was the old chubby man who had graciously allowed her master to sleep in his home for a few pieces of metal. Silly humans. Why hand people pieces of metal when you could simply throw it at their heads? Giving people things is so much easier that way. Sil shook her head at the thought. Humans truly were silly. The old man, his wife, and some kids, were being dragged out by the people who had barged into his home. Sil wondered if it was some sort of game they were playing and if she could play too.... [color=a2d39c][i]No, Sil. Bad.[/i][/color] She thought. [color=a2d39c][i]You've got a mission to accomplish! The world is counting on you. Hmmmmmmm... does the world know how to count, I wonder? Will it answer if I ask it? No, Sil. Focus. Use that amazing attention span of yours![/i][/color] Sil set her jaw. She was committed to the mission. She would save the world by helping Chres count. Some of the mean people were pointing at her. The pointing was followed by a swatting of hands. Sil flew out of their reach and into the kitchen, counting as she did so. [color=a2d39c]"5... 8... 16..."[/color] Numbers were hard. But if anyone could do it, Sil could. [color=a2d39c]"1... 24... 5..."[/color] Sil's counting was interrupted as she bumped into the nice man who offered to play a game with her yesterday.