[hider=Rebecca Popelin] [b]Appearance/Image:[/b] [center][hider=Rebecca][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dd/0c/a8/dd0ca87560c598ea497a84920902da68.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Name:[/b]Rebecca Popelin [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'7/135 lbs. [b]Personality:[/b] Rebecca is a studious girl and, although poor and often having to look after herself constantly, easily gets concerned about others especially for her friends. Often having had bad events happen in her life when it comes to money, her faith is constantly tested, and sometimes she questions such things as whether a God exists, though in the end she always comes up with the conclusion that he does. Other than her religious beliefs and studies, Rebecca is shy, though not overly so. She is willing to meet new people and make new friends, but she often has trouble speaking up and thinking of words currently. [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Class Affinity:[/b] Saber [b]Background:[/b] Rebecca was born in the southern parts of America in a farming family that was struggling to make ends meet. Even as a young student in Elementary, Rebecca made do with what she had. Hardship grew improvisation, improvisation that allowed her to get through difficult times. Though raised a christian, Rebecca was never too dedicated to the faith, going to Sunday mass and not much else aside from having read the bible a few times. Eventually, through having good grades and putting in effort, she received the opportunity to study in Japan for her senior year. Not wanting to pass up such an opportunity, Rebecca earned enough money to pay for any initial fees and needs that were not covered by her the sponsors and to Japan, where she got a spartan apartment with any supplies she needed for her studies and basic necessities. Though able to subsist on an allowance, Rebecca decided to get a part-time job as a waitress as she continued her studies, not joining any clubs. [b]Occupation:[/b] Student/ part-time waitress [b]Known Magic (If Any):[/b] None [b]Special Talents/Hobbies:[/b] Rebecca has a large amount of knowledge, especially about history. Even if she does not know the answer, she likes to find out what it is. Rebecca also likes dancing and swimming. Most of all, however, Rebecca knows how to improvise, using this to varying degrees of effectiveness. [b]Ambition:[/b] Rebecca wants to improve her own situation, but beyond that she wishes to protect what friends she has. [hider=Servant Cards] [center][hider=Jeanne][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7f/1f/a7/7f1fa7949aef4593324d092d1a984f6c.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [b]Jean d'Arc[/b]; Lawful Good Saber STR: C(B), AGI: B(A), END: B(A), MAN: C(B), LUK: C, NP: C(B+) [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] Sword of Saint Catherine de Fierbois:(Rank B, A Mastered) Once a sword owned by Charles Martel. It is an exquisitely forged blade bearing five crosses which was prophesized to be found by the next savior of France. It was used by two heroes to defend French soil from foreign invaders, first by Charles against the Moors and later, supposedly by Jeanne against the English. The sword is a hallowed one, being especially potent against, demons, undead, vampires and such. It may weaken or temporarily shut down their ability to regenerate from wounds dealt by the sword, but that depends on their strength. As a holy sword it is used as a defensive weapon able to repel any attackers by releasing a bright light that pushes them back. The stronger her devotion to what she is protecting the stronger the light. Anti-Army, Anti-Unit: Targets: Allies/Enemies Luminosite Eternelle(Rank D+, B Mastered): The very standard that Jeanne carried in life when she lead the French troops to victory, this standard helped Jeanne inspire many troops to fight for their homeland. As it is not a direct weapon, the banner instead enhances the natural charisma Jeanne has drastically, inspiring allies to fight more effectively. However, the banner must be held at all times, raised high even in the heat of combat. Without mastery of the noble phantasm, fighting with the banner and another weapon is difficult, leaving one vulnerable to strikes. Classification: Anti-Army Targets: Allies [b]Include:[/b] The Sword of Saint Catherine de Fierbois is provided with an include. The sword, while more difficult to wield without practice and faith and less powerful, is still effective in being both a symbol and a weapon. [b]Install:[/b] Installing Jeanne gives the user the full range of abilities of the holy maiden as well as her battle attire, which consists of the armor and cloth she wore in the siege of Orleans. [b]Install Skills:[/b] Charisma(Canon skill): D(C) Jeanne was known to be very charismatic, leading an army to victory at the siege of Orleans. This charisma also allowed Jeanne to make others believe in the contents of her "revelations" without much more than her word. This charisma carries over as a servant, giving incentive for allies to fight better and harder. Protection of the Faith: C(B) Jeanne was very faithful in God and Christianity, going so far as allowing visions to guide her on her path to becoming a martyr in life. While this Jeanne is not the martyr that was burned to stake, her faith was still very much unwavering, giving her a form of divine protection. Revelation: D(B) Jeanne had visions of God, which she followed in life. These visions lead to her lifting the siege of Orleans and turning a bad situation into a French victory. Jeanne is able to get a "revelation" during battle so she may react when she would not be able to otherwise. However, as this is Jeanne during the battle of Orleans she is unable to predict anything outside of battle unless exigent circumstances exist. Class Skills: Magic Resistance: C(B) Jeanne's faith protects her from magic, enabling her to resist magical effects at least for a short time. Riding: D(C) While Jeanne was known as a flagbearer, horse riding was essential during her time. Jeanne was accomplished in such an activity as she lead troops into battle. [b]Install Appearance:[/b] When Jeanne's card is installed, the master gains the armor of Jeanne, the clothing she wore during the siege and a cloak, though not the headdress she wore. In addition, depending on the master's faith the coloration of the cloth could either be blue or white. [b]Servant Biography:[/b] Jeanne was born in a village called Domrémy in France as a simple farm girl during the Hundred Years' War. Jeanne herself had a vision from God, from which she traveled to the king of France to give her a chance to lift the siege of Orleans. Being one of the most well known saints in history, she later lifted the siege of Orleans making it a decisive French victory, crediting everything to God. Jeanne was captured by the British and burned to the stake sometime after Orleans, being named posthumously as a saint on a later date. However, the version of Jeanne on this card is not that of the martyr, but that of the flagbearer with a sword on her hip during the siege of Orleans. [b]Servant Personality:[/b] Jeanne was known to be faithful in God, selfless, and charismatic. She never gave up no matter the odds, believing in her faith. This can go as far as being self-sacrificial for others, which may become a problem if left unchecked. Jeanne is also essentially the definition of a pure maiden. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Student Council Position: Historian/Record-Keeper "Nobbu!" [/hider]