[Center][H1][color=paleturquoise]Reya Wyatt[/color][/h1][hr][code]Location: Club Aether[hr][/code][/center] Rei was never one for parties. Clubs, bars, anything. She'd rather take a night shift back at work or stay home and watch movies all night. So that brings up the question, why was she at one of the mentioned clubs now? Before, her old friends would drag her (or carry on weekends) out to socialize, now it was Rai's turn to force her out of the house. Dressed up in her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/27/8b/6e/278b6ed1ed725ed9e6ff91a57019d710.jpg]formal attire[/url], Rei kept to herself for the most part, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, as she watched the club owner's performance on stage. It got her thinking, maybe she could sing some? It was a silly thought, and she had a high chance for stage fright, but it could be fun. Looking around the room for a moment, she sighed and walked up to the stage. With a quick talk with the group about the song she wanted to sing put of the way, Rei grabbed the microphone. Tapping the mic, she looked up and gave a little wave to the audience, a crooked, unsure grin on her face. Great, she's starting to get butterflies in her stomach. But she's not turning back now. Taking a deep breath, and nodding to the band, she began [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dkzBl4BN-go][color=turquoise]singing[/color][/url].