Anari subdued the urge to interrupt Blank; the explanations he’d given her begged more questions, more than the guy would likely be able to stand all at once. The true mastermind behind Gamorria was a single person, or at least what she was led to believe. Blank said boss, not bosses; one person was making this all possible in a comfortable seat of power hidden from the rest of the riffraff. It was too flattering to suggest this person was anywhere close to the long-dead Emperor. The methods they used to control the populace might be considered similar. There wasn’t enough to speculate on just yet. A little more information, if she could manage to get it, might serve the New Republic better in the investigations to come. After his explanation for working with the unnamed boss, Anari gave a brief smile before it vanished in its entirety and her expression returned to its natural calm. Next came the usual turn many went towards when she confronted them: Who was she, and why was she doing what she did? [color=fff79a][b]“I’m working with the New Republic because they are dedicated to peace through diplomacy, through reason, and in this galaxy each world should have a voice and a government that does what it can for its people. No exception should be made,”[/b][/color] she said. [color=fff79a][b]“I recognize that the mission of the New Republic has begun to change. But that is a problem I need to discuss among the few within the military that I trust. I don’t fail to see the irony of this occupation. You didn’t ask for this, but some of your people do want change, and the New Republic should represent a positive one.”[/b][/color] Pitching the idea that the New Republic would be good for Blank felt as fruitless as it sounded. What would he care about a better, brighter world when he stood here unbothered by the hopelessness of others? The upbringing on Gamorria must have left him numb, that is if he was even born here. Another question. She couldn’t stop. [color=fff79a][b]“My name is Anari. I’m a member of the Jedi Order.”[/b][/color] She lightly shrugged her shoulders. [color=fff79a][b]“Not a very interesting story to tell, really. I want to do good for the people of the galaxy before I inevitably die. That includes facing the corruption of planets like this and trying to do something about it, and not always letting my raw strength solve every problem I face.”[/b][/color] Anari looked around the room, her eyes hovering across the scorch marks of blasters and overturned furnishings. [color=fff79a][b]“There were little girls held back there with their family.”[/b][/color] The attention she diverted to the damage caused by persuasion returned to Blank. [color=fff79a][b]“I didn’t say anything and I didn’t show it, but the sight pained me deeply and angered me even more. Instead of unleashing it on the ones responsible, I lowered the shield that kept them in. The moment it fell, they collectively felt relief, more than they must have felt in days, maybe weeks. They believed that maybe they had a chance at a better life than servitude and sexual abuse. I took more satisfaction delivering them from this place than I ever would raiding drug houses because changing a life means more to me than taking it.”[/b][/color] Swallowing hard, she became aware that her eyes begun stinging and briefly looked away towards the door she went through to free them. [color=fff79a][b]“You call being complicit in these things competence. Something to admire. [i]"They do it well,"[/i] you said.”[/b][/color] Anari lightly shook her head. Although she didn’t meet Blank’s eyes again, the power of her voice didn’t waver. [color=fff79a][b]“Those guards, they weren’t beyond redemption. Maybe they were never given a choice. I don’t know the truth. Still, I persuaded them to change their ways and to live better. And now I’d ask that you consider doing the same, Blank.”[/b][/color] She found it in her to meet his gaze once again. [color=fff79a][b]“You aren’t what I was told you were. You aren’t evil. But could I—[i]could anyone[/i]—call you good? Just for a moment I want you to think about who you are. Then, think about who you could be.”[/b][/color]