[color=fff79a]Jamie Underwood[/color] [hr] Jamie nodded sagely, looking wisely into the distance as Aleks explained his origins. [color=fff79a]"Americans are born all over the world. That's what my dad always said."[/color] Jamie rememberd with a half-smile. It was melodramatic but she always liked the idea behind the phrase. Aleks bit his tongue, or something, and said it would be good to work with her. [color=fff79a]"Well, yes, it'll be good to work with you, too, Aleks. We should..."[/color] Jamie trailed off as Aleks quickly made his daring escape past the energetic woman. Jamie was a bit naive but even she could tell, at that point, that he wanted her to shut up. A little hurt, and a little amused, Jamie shook her head as her new squad mate walked away. The rest of the audience was already clearing out, so Jamie stood in the middle of hall for a little bit. She swung the envelope and generally just looked casual for a bit. Leaning up against a nearby wall, Jamie opened up the envelope. Confidential, top secret, classified, yada yada, Jamie slid the sheet upwards and read her alias with a disappointed grimace. Slug. Great. Luckily for the young operator, her name was given with good reason. A bunch of mechanical talk Jamie could actually understand followed the alias and her room number, basically boiling down to: We're giving you a badass shotgun. Okay, Jamie thought, I can work with this. With a smirk, she inserted the packet back into the folder and attempted to walk back to her room. Briefly, she got lost and had to ask a grumpy person for directions, but she got there in the end. CQC in the morning- Jamie felt anxious yet excited about the prospect. If it was a paintball match- hah, she would demolish anyone in Rainbow! Unfortunately, the idea of getting beat up by some massively skilled person in a sparring outfit wasn't as appealing. Still- she'd try her best to not disappoint. Jamie spent the rest of the night getting out the pre-event jitters by doing push up and sit ups in her room.