Glancing over his shoulder he smiles at the sight of his visitor licking his fingers clean. [i]'Funny, I've never been sure if that was odd for me to do, but I guess not'[/i] Walking over he scoops up Aryx's plate and goes to stand. However his body freezes at the question about originating in this village. A faint sound makes it out of his throat but then he bites down on his lip and turns away. [i]'I don't know how to answer him. I don't want to lie, but. . .'[/i] His mind buzzes as he makes his way back to the sink and rises the dish. He almost doesn't hear what the man says next, so lost in his fretting, but the oddness of what is said causes him to pause. Setting the plate in the sink he turns to look at Aryx. Confusion is evident on his face as he looks hard at the man. [i]'It's strange, but from what he said earlier is sounded as if he lived near that lake for a long time. Not specifically, but just a feeling I got. But now, if the only travel he's done is over water, then it sounds like he's a sailor'[/i] His eyes travel over the smooth skin and slightly worn finery. [i]'He looks to be rich, sort of, but definitely not anything like the over seas merchants that have passed through over the years. And he doesn't have the skin of one who has spent a life at sea. And if he did travel on the sea, he most certainly wouldn't be talking about 'Getting out into the world more' seeing as the sea can take you to more of the world more quickly than over land'[/i] He drops his eyes, realizing he's being rather rude by staring. Instead he turns back to the sink and finishes rinsing the dishes. [i]'Honestly it sounds like that lake is the extent of his travels, but somehow that sounds very odd. I mean, I myself have not left this village since my father left, but I seem to know more about these lands despite the fact that I wasn’t born here'[/i] Shaking his head with a sigh he places the dishes on a wooden drying rack and chides himself for over thinking things. Under his shirt he can feel his tail twitch slightly but he ignores it as he turns back to the man. “I was not born here, but I have lived most my life here.” He decides to answer Aryx's questions as honestly as possible, and ignore his own wild musings. “I've always been. . .Different, but the people here don't seem to mind when I act a little odd. Everyone else who lives here now was born here, and you could say, that's given them all a rather close nit range of emotions and reactions to things, being so close and all, but I guess since I spent my younger years somewhere else I don't have that innate community knee jerk reactions like the rest, heh.” Looking down he leans back against the sink and scuffs his foot against the floor. “Travel over land is definitely different from water. Depending one what water your talking about, there is definitely more to see, and it's a lot slower.” His eyes come up shyly, wondering if the man will be able to ease his mind's wonderings about him, or if the act of asking such things would be considered rude. Coughing he moves back to the other side of the table and takes a seat. Picking up the teapot he tops off his cup and waits quietly should Aryx have any more questions.