[hider= Shelly "Ragnarok" Diggby (WIP)] Name: Michelle Diggby Alias: Ragnarok (Old) Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: Shelly is 5'3" with curly shoulder length dark brown hair, usually tied up behind her right ear with an aging, but still functioning, fluffy Miffy scrunchy. Exceptionally dark green eyes adorn her tan face, dark enough that without good light its tough to see where pupil ends and iris begins. An innocent button nose betrays her age, however her personality will set you straight again. Day-to-day Wardrobe: Comfy Clothes or Business Casual, depending on the situation. Costume: Michelle is not a costume hero. No. It'll never happen! NEVER. Protect my identity? Shit, a domino mask and a big poncho? Powers & Weaknesses: Pathokinesis - Michelle borrows kinetic energy from the environment and transfers it to other targets, however its not done through conscious thought and careful consideration but emotions. The intensity of such feelings dictates the range of both the kinetic energy can be stolen at and reproduced, and how efficient the conversion is. This limits what can be effected by her powers, objects she can't or doesn't have feelings about are immune to her powers, e.g. Stuff she doesn't care or know about, objects she can't perceive because they are invisible or moving too fast. Skills/abilities: At 94 words per minute, Shelly is a speedy typist and while not as whizzy as her techie coworkers, is pretty adept on a computer. She's also talented on the accordion and has a special affinity for cats. BRIEF Bio: Michelle is an Office Administrator for a small tech company based in La Vida that provides modern tech solutions to the various oil focused companies that envelop the district, and she'd tell you there was little remarkable about her, just a downtown girl trying to make ends meet. Ragnarok however would've describe herself as a "retired" "supervillian", by "retired" she means narrowly escaped capture from the Teen Titans and by "supervillian" she means superpowered teen pushing her luck attempting to satisfy her own selfish desires. After a particularly close encounter, a haitus from villianry became very enticing. A short haitus became a career in Admin, atleast until a mysterious invitation arrived in the post. Personality: Passionate, Extroverted, Risk Taker, Positive, Short-fused Character Evolution: Gain more control of her powers. Become a better hero. Notes: [hider= Old Sample Post:] Shelly was not in her office anymore, she knew this because her office did not possess several gigantic holo-displays as much as the tech boys desperately wanted them. They didn't have a huge desk either, they didn't have a single room big enough for it, and certainly not one emblazed with the Justice League logo...on...it. The panic set in slowly, her mind still reeling from trying to process being teleported, had she finally been caught? Had her past attempted crimes finally caught up with her? Her heart began to race and her senses began to heighten as the adrenaline began to course though her body. Which door where they going to strut smugly though? Was she going to give them a chance to monolog? Could she even? There was so little moving in this room to borrow from, maybe thats why they picked it! Shelly slunk to back the room, grip tightening around her stapler. Any moment now... "Beep", Shelly whispered as she jabbed the door button. It shone red again for an instant before fading back to nothing. [i]This was worse than the bus to work, more torturous than that old crappy fax machine, on par with the doctors![/i]Shelly sighed. [i]Waiting is torture.[/i] "Beep" "Beep" "Beep" Suddenly, a devious thought raced across her mind. It had taken Shelly long enough, but she hatched a brilliant plan. Shelly laboured her breathing, pretended her eyes were getting heavy,and pushed the open door with less and less gusto. Each "Beep" became further and further apart, until she hadn't the strength to even hold herself up. Shelly slumped by the door just under the switches, eyes closed, pretending to be critically ill with something that might get them to act a little quicker. The perfect ruse. Time past, not a lot of time, but enough for the Great Firebrand Ragnorok to encounter a gaping flaw in her plan, now she couldn't even entertain herself pressing the button.[i]Beep.[/i] Nope, it wasn't the same without the flash of scarlet. It was something though. [i]Beep.[/i] [/hider] [/hider]