[@SleepingSilence] [hider= A Friendly Face][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/em6VOT/Dorumon.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] This was it, the Digidestin had walked into the resort as he had hoped that they would. He put a lot into this. They would be more willing to help if they had their homes and didn’t feel scared. It’s why he chose this big place to put it in the center. This was familiar to the Digidestin from their world. A big place they called a mansion. The mansion had many rooms so many humans lived in these mansions. Humans must enjoy the company of others humans, that’s what he suspected at least. It’s why he was glad they found each other, so they could begin to grow together a big bond. Dorumon happily moves his tail side to side humming to himself, waiting for the Digidestin enter the resort. When he heard the entrance door open. “Hello-I don’t know what’s happening either. I’m Tristan.” the digidestined speak. “There’s four others who found themselves here too...” Tristan suddenly hears the sounds of popping. Confetti comes down from the ceiling, a banner is lowered in bright yellow letters it reads; [color=yellow]CONGRATULATIONS[/color]. Balloons begin to soar down to the ground as the room is literally snowing glitter and confetti. “TA-DAH!” Dorumon jumps up from his hiding place, he only notices one human, where were the others, he looks around, “Where are the others?” Dorumon looks around, “Are they hiding?” He puts his hands on his brows and moves around. He looks under a cushion, “They aren’t here. I have something important to tell them.”