Ansgar was silent in regards to the Psyker's explanation on the name she had yelled. The grenadier had missed this during the explosion, the concussive force having robbed him of being able to hear the name over the sound and sensation of being thrown clear of a vehicle as it erupted in a roaring inferno. While others might have started noticing the tenuously thin fabric of reality, Ansgar was oblivious to its usual signs, prior exposure plus the [i]debriefing[/i] he'd received at the hands of the Ordo Malleus had left him numb to the warp. Still able to be affected by it, but resilient to its taint and whispers all the same. If the others were blunts, he might as well have been as blunt as a brick wall. That didn't make him unawares, that same experience demanded his full awareness of how easily reality could fail this close to a breach leading to the Immaterium, he merely couldn't rely on certain conventional signs. Whether he believed the psyker or not really depended on whether or not the Celestian did, and he would follow orders as necessary beyond that. The psyker backing up his statement was, while welcome, unnecessary. He spoke from experience, and he would let his superior take that information as she saw fit. She did seem to misconstrue things a tad, considering it was unlikely they had any sort of waiting Ace, as she had put it. They had what was on them, and the Emperor's blessings, and that would have to suffice. [color=598527]"As I said already ma'am, the odds of friendly reinforcements are slim at best. It falls to us to bring this gate down, before it reaches its peak functionality. However, we may not have to proceed along this main access tunnel. When we encountered the first wave of mutated cultists, who were surging out to oppose us, they were using secondary tunnels. Which likely means there are multiple access tunnels into this main opening beneath the Cathedral. If they are expecting a continued frontal assault, they will concentrate their forces in this primary access shaft, which could give us an edge in flanking them and striking at the gate directly while they attempt to organize their response. Chaos is many things, but disciplined and organized are rarely chief among them."[/color] The grenadier paused, checking his explosives bag he was carrying for how much he had left. Several frags, kraks, and a few demolition charges he had acquired from the forge armory, the latter would likely be enough to render the gate inoperable at worst, or destroyed at best. He was not comfortable with how much he had spoken at this point, considering it out of place normally, but here he was probably speaking more in this situation than he had the entire rest of the time surface side so far. Even so, he had been addressing the psyker's remark towards an ace in the sleeve, as she had put it, with a plan that would, with the Emperor's blessing and a bit of luck, mitigate the odds of them encountering further traitor marines. [color=598527]"Ma'am, as we move forward, is it possible for you to discern active physical threats from immaterial ones that are yet to manifest? That would expedite our approach immensely."[/color]