[center][img] http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5lZDAyMTAuUTNKaGMyZywuMQAA/the-black-festival-demo.regular.png [/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/666b11c3ef2c9c411ded665d6712f8a3/tumblr_mkrxa6SHMT1ql3jjao1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Crash tilted his head to the side confused about what Flick said, why would there be laws against changing clothes. The city was a very weird place, of all the things to worry about a little nudity seemed like nothing. He laughed at Dizzy, who look his time changing, clearly to piss of Flick. Then Dizzy ran off with something, into the alley way that Flick had decided was a more appropriate place to change. What did Dizzy have? Was it food? Crash was instantly jealous that Dizzy had something that he didn’t. Mal told him he looked like a homeless bum but fairly normal and he took it as a compliment. So, while Flick was off changing in private, Crash tried to find something he could trade with Dizzy for some of his food. Unfortunately for Crash there really wasn’t much in the alley. He explored the vicinity of a nearby metal box, bigger than the one with the clothes that also smelled terrible, and he was about to give up when he heard a rustling sound. Crash’s full attention was on whatever was behind the dumpster, what if it was a rabbit, as the sound moved towards on side of the dumpster Crash lunged at it. The small gray creature let out a yowl and a hiss as it slipped through his hands, biting his finger as it ran off. Crash, disanointed, kicked the dumpster and sighed, he would probably not be getting any of whatever Dizzy had found. His hand was bleeding a little but it wasn’t anything too bad, he wiped the blood off on is jeans. After his failed attempt to catch a cat he saw Flick return. [color=red] “Princess Flick how nice of you to return, did you enjoy your private time?[/color] Crash asked, teasing him and sticking his tongue slightly. He thought Flick was being too cautious, I mean compared to everything they had all already been through who rough could the city really be? Before he had a chance to say anything else the wind shifted slightly and the greatest smell that had ever graced his nose blew through the air. It was food, and it smelled fantastic. Flick seemed to know where the food was coming from so Crash followed without any questions or smartass comments. He didn’t want to stall eating any further. As Mal spoke of needing new names Crash did nod in agreement. [color=red] “I don’t want a new name either. I like Crash. The guards all had boring names like Chuck Johnson or Janice Smith.”[/color] Crash said making a face at the names he could recall.