[hider=Cloud Strife]Name: Cloud Strife Age: 24 Universe: Final Fantasy Appearance: https://orig00.deviantart.net/5e45/f/2013/077/2/7/advent_cloud_strife_render_by_redchampiontrainer01-d5yg0j6.png Skill set/Abilities: Cloud is a swordsman and the second best magic caster in AVALANCHE after Aerith. He large broadswords in battle. He can perform limit breaks such as Braver, Cross-slash, Blade Beam, Climhazzard, Meteorain, Finishing Touch, Omnislash & Omnislash version 5. Background: Cloud was born in Nibelheim and was the next door neighbor of Tifa. Although the two consider each other (and are considered by others) to be childhood friends, by Tifa's own account they were not close growing up, despite him having been her neighbor. When he was nine Tifa’s mother died, Tifa was under the belief that if they if she crossed Mt. Nibel she could see her mother again. Cloud went along, she missteped and fell Cloud tried to save her and ended up falling too. He was unharmed but Tifa’s life was in grave danger. He was blamed for the whole thing, this caused him to develop anger problems. When he was fifteen he learned of the hero Sephiroth a man who would forever change the world. Cloud wanted to be just like him. When he was sixteen set out to become a member of SOLDIER. Cloud ended up becoming just a mere Shinra infantryman. At sixteen he meets another man that would greatly change his life SOLDIER First Class Zack. The two were instrumental in stopping Genesis. Eventually Cloud teams up with Zack and Sephiroth and they return to Cloud’s hometown. Cloud was embarrassed by only being a Shinra infantryman and hides his face the entire time. Disaster struck during the mission. Sephiroth goes crazy. Cloud was forced to stab him and while checking on an injured Tifa, Cloud is in return stabbed by Sephiroth. Calling upon previously unseen strength Cloud lifted Sephiroth up by the sword that was currently partially inside him and hurled Sephiroth into the Mako Pit. Zack & Cloud’s lives were forever changed that day. They were captured by a Shinra scientist and experimented upon for four years. Eventually they were both written off as failures. Zack rescued Cloud who was suffering from Mako poisoning. They spent a year on the run, with Zack leadng them both back to Midgar along the way telling a barely conscious Cloud about his dreams for them both and seeing his girlfriend Aerith again. In Midgar Zack is gunned down by Shinra infantrymen. Cloud in a vegatative state is ignored by the infantrymen. Cloud regains some awareness and crawls to Zack. Zack entrusts his Buster Sword and his legacy to Cloud. Between the Mako poisoning, the trauma of what happened in his home town, & witnessing Zack’s death causes his mind to undergo a transformation, he impresses Zack's memories and fighting abilities into his own, along with Tifa's memories of him and his own ideal image of himself as a SOLDIER, creating a new set of memories with an accompanying persona. What emerges in Cloud's mind is a reality in which he joined SOLDIER and was Sephiroth's partner—Zack did not exist—and in most of Cloud's twisted memories he takes Zack's place. He joined AVALANCHE a group hell bent on stopping Shinra from using Mako as a source of power. During this time he hears voices in his head that he ignores. After an act of pure evil AVALANCHE beings a pursuit of Sephiroth, Cloud tells the group about his version of the events in his hometown. Tifa knowing this was all a lie remains silent. During their pursuit they discover Sephiroth’s plans to become a god. Cloud learns that his memories are false with no way to distinguish between truth and his fiction his mind breaks as well as his morale. He falls into the Lifestream and emerges a week later. Again suffering from Mako poisoning he is paralyzed & incoherent. Tifa stays behind to take care of him while the rest of AVALANCHE goes on to stop Sephiroth. Ultimate Weapon, a weapon created by the planet to protect itself attacks the town Cloud & Tifa are in. They both fall into the Lifestream and enter Cloud’s subconscious. In his subconscious Cloud learns that the voices in his head was his true self trying to get him to remember. With Tifa’s help Cloud was able to restore his mind to what it should be purging the false memories and restoring the proper ones. AVALANCHE learns that just before Aeirth’s death that she called forth Holy the only magic capable of stopping the meteor. Sephiroth is holding it back. After a brutal battle with Sephiroth’s now god like form. Since the meteor was in such close proximity to the planet Holy held back it’s power, meaning it wouldn’t be enough to fully stop the meteor. Aerith who was somewhat alive in the Lifestream commanded the Lifestream to push back the meteor so Holy could do it’s job. After the crisis caused by Sephiroth Cloud and Tifa move in together, she starts another bar and he starts a delivery service. Cloud takes in an orphan boy. Barrett a former member of AVALANCHE leaves Marlene his child with them. Although he has a happy family Cloud suffers from guilt over the deaths of Aerith and Zack, he becomes insular. He contracts Geostigma and moves out. Two years after the defeat of Sephiroth, a new crisis has emerged, Geostigma. Cloud has fallen into a cycle of depression and guilt. Sephiroth can’t manifest in the world physically so he constructs three manifestations of his consciousness to do his bidding. The trio kidnaps kids with Geostigma including the boy Cloud took in and Cloud’s Material stash. With words of encouragement from Marlene Cloud finds the strength to fight Sephiroth’s manifestations. He kills two the third he confronts in the ruins of Aerith’s church. Aerith’s flowerbed was destroyed and spewing Lifestream infused water that cures Cloud’s Geostigma. Cloud kills the final one of Sephiroth’s manifestations only to have the two he thought he killed earlier go suicide bomber on him. He only survived thanks to the intervention of Aerith. Aerith’s final words to Cloud ensures he will be alright. Buried under the ruins of Midgar a splinter and more deadly faction of Shinra known as Deepground survived. They eventually dug themselves out a year after the Geostigma crisis. Deepground went after those who were not afflicted with Geostigma and began sacrificing them so the planet would activate Omega Weapon. Where as other Weapons created by the planet were designed to protect the planet this one was designed to ensure survival by transporting the Lifestream to another planet. Cloud led the ground assault against Deepground while he left Vincent a friend from AVALANCHE stops Omega and Deepground’s leader. With their defeat Cloud’s assault on Deepground main forces was a total success. Other information: Uses the Fusion Swords and rides the Fenrir motorcycle. He wears the Precious Watch armor accessory with 8 Materia slots (Fire, Ice, Bolt, Quake, Tornado, Cure, Esuna, Wall)[/hider] [hider=He-Man]Name: Adam/He-Man Age: 34 Universe: Masters of the Universe Appearance: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/jadensadventures/images/e/e5/Adam.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170228213800 http://art.cafimg.com/images/Category_13434/subcat_32042/he-man%20color.jpg Skill set/Abilities: He-Man displays several above average physical abilities and numerous supernatural abilities. He has super-human strength, enhanced speed, reflexes, and near-invulnerability. Background: Randor had a brother named Keldor who wanted to master the forces of magic and become the strongest warrior in all of Eternia. One day he disappeared and was never seen again. Years later as King Randor oversaw the invasion of Skeletor from another dimension. During this invasion Teela gifted Prince Adam the powers of the legendary He-Man of old. For a time, Adam led the Masters of the Universe in secret as He-Man. One by one Skeletor’s minions fell at the hands of the Masters of the Universe. During a battle late in the war Skeletor was able to kill King Randor and forced Adam to reveal himself as He-Man. Randor’s final words to He-Man was to save Keldor. Randor had figured out that Keldor and Skeletor were the same person. During the final battle with the help of Teela the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull they were able to purge Keldor or the evil that infected him but there wasn’t enough of his body left for him to survive without the evil magic. Keldor died heart broken. Adam buried Keldor alongside his father. He was crowned king by his mother after the funeral. A month passed when terrified citizens from Etheria led by Queen Adora came seeking refuge in Eternia from demonic snake men. She proved herself an ally by revealing herself as She-Ra a champion of Grayskull. Adam was smitten with Adora from the moment he saw her. Her constant vigil made him fall in love with her, he did his best to distract her from when he could because he knew they couldn’t invade Eternia there was no way Teela would allow it a second time. Eventually she relented and they married. Exactly two months after their wedding the demonic snake men invaded Eternia. He-Man, She-Ra, and the Masters of the Universe led the charge against the snake men and were only holding them back it wasn’t until the appearance of a wizard from Trolla joining the battle and giving the King & Queen their snake armor that the battle was truly won, and the snake men destroyed. Other information: Can call upon Snake Armor. Transformation call: "By the power of Grayskull!"[/hider] [hider=She-Ra]Name: Adora/She-Ra Age: 30 Universe: Masters of the Universe Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ff/bf/e0/ffbfe0a457a4e8fb1b27e39fb1ad45af.jpg https://pre00.deviantart.net/3ada/th/pre/i/2011/071/7/4/snake_armor_she_ra_by_nightwing1975-d3bif26.jpg Skill set/Abilities: She-Ra displays several above average physical abilities and numerous supernatural abilities. She has super-human strength, enhanced speed, reflexes, and near-invulnerability. She has communicated with animals via telepathy, such as Swift Wind, and a bear in the Whispering Woods. She can heal injuries by touching the damaged areas. She can transform her chief weapon, The Sword of Protection, into other weapons, including a shield, boomerang, bola, lasso, and a giant handcuff. It can also be transformed into tools, including a ladder and a space helmet. While She-Ra displays various abilities, her sword is her primary means of attack and defense. Background: Etheria was ruled by the tyrannical dictator Hordak an alien conqueror. Adora was born after the invasion and was made an orphan by an attack perpetrated by the rebellion. When she was old enough she signed up to defeat the evil rebellion. When she was injured in battle and left for dead she saved by Teela the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. Teela showed Adora the truth that her parents were the rightful rules of Etheria and the leader of the rebellion trying to save Etheria from Hordak and the evils of the Horde. They were losing and on the verge of destruction. Teela gave Adora the power to become the Princess of Power and save the rebellion with The Sword of Protection. Adora joined the rebellion and quickly proved herself a capable leader. For a time Adora lead Etheria in a period of peace and prosperity, until demonic snake men arrived. They quickly overwhelmed and killed ninety percent of the Ehterians. Teela came as soon as she could. Using the magic of Castle Grayskull Teela teleported the Etherians to Eternia. Adora and her friends from the rebellion held the demonic snake men back while the citizens fled. Her friends insisted she leave first so she could lead her people wherever they ended up. She was the last one through, her friends all perished in battle. Adora warned the King Adam about the demonic snake men in case they were able to follow her through. Adora kept a constant vigil for months but the snake men never came through. She let her guard down. She eventually fell in love with King Adam and they were married uniting Etheria and Eternia forever. Exactly two months after their wedding the demonic snake men invaded Eternia. He-Man, She-Ra, and the Masters of the Universe led the charge against the snake men and were only holding them back it wasn’t until the appearance of a wizard from Trolla joining the battle and giving the King & Queen their snake armor that the battle was truly won, and the snake men destroyed. Other information: Can call upon Snake Armor. Transformation call: "For the honor of Grayskull!"[/hider] [hider=Link]Name: Link Age: 422 moons old (31 years old and in comparison to human to longevity ~15) Universe: Legend of Zelda Appearance: https://images.template.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Pinup-Link-FanArt-by-Cris-Delara.jpg Skill set/Abilities: Link is remarkably proficient with a wide variety of weapons, instruments, and other items, being able to use them immediately upon obtaining them. Her preferred weapon of choice though, are swords. In each of her adventures, Link's primary form of combat becomes sword fighting, usually with a shield. Link has great aptitude with hand-to-hand combat, as well as immense superhuman strength, thanks to the Power Glove. As a preteen when Link lost her sword in the Forsaken Fortress, she had to rely on stealth and enemies' weapons to make it through. Background: During the period that would become to be known as The Great Strife. Ganon stole the Triforce of Power and plunged Hyrule into civil war. The king was murdered. The pregnant queen was taken hostage and forced to marry Ganon. Link was born shortly after the king’s death. She was named after her grandfather a great hero in his day. When Link’s parents joined the rebellion, Link was raised by her grandfather. Link’s grandfather taught her everything he knew about fighting, life, and everything in between. Link’s grandfather died of natural causes shortly before her eleventh birthday. Full of grief and anger she left her small village. After her adventures in escaping the Forsaken Fortress, where she had to team up with Tetra to escape the island prison she joined Tetra’s pirate gang for a time. Their time was brief and helped to hone Link’s skill. Upon returning to Hyrule a more seasoned warrior Link was horrified to find what Ganon had done to it. She set out to free Hyrule from his tyranny and free Zelda the one true heir to the throne. The first step in her quest was to gain favor from Farore, the Goddess of Courage, becoming the guardian of the Triforce of Courage. She then had to unite the tribes that called Hyrule home against the Demon King Ganon, unknowingly gaining favor from Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom. After a brutal campaign and countless deaths, Link had killed all of Ganon’s generals and decimated his forces, gaining the favor of Din, the Goddess of Power. With all three Goddesses granting a portion of their power to Link she was able to kill the Demon King Ganon. Zelda was crowned the Queen of Hyrule and the Guardian of the Triforce of Wisdom. The Triforce of Power had no Guardian was shattered. All pieces of the Triforce were locked up deep below the Hyrule Castle in a vault blessed by the three Golden Goddesses so that it could only be opened by the gathering of all three Guardians. Other information: The guardian of the Triforce of Courage. Wields the Master Sword, Hylian Shield, and Hero’s Bow.[/hider] [hider=Forge]Name: Unknown goes by Forge Universe: One of the Marvel Universes Appearance: [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b8/d8/ae/b8d8aee6df966197190f9bce9f90f392.jpg]Current appearance[/url] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/b/b5/Forge_%28Earth-957%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110825211929]Former appearance around the time he first appeared[/url] Skill set/Abilities: Intuitive Genius: Superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices. His mutant ability functions as perception, as he possesses the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems) in action. This power allows Forge to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that, combined with his natural intelligence, allows him to conceive, design and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it. Forge's superhuman talent does not mean that he is a greater inventor than geniuses such as Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, or Anthony Stark, none of whom owe their talent for invention to mutation. But even a genius at invention must, for the most part, consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In Forge's case, however, many of these logical steps would be worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Forge himself might not be entirely aware of exactly how he figured out how to create an invention of his, he often has to take apart his own inventions to see how they work. He has created fantastic futuristic devices including cybernetic systems, sophisticated holograms, and elaborate computer and fiber-optic systems. Sorcery: He also has a high mystical aptitude and has developed several magical spells, including a so-called "spirit sight," the ability to open portals to other dimensions, the ability to steal and use others' souls to enhance his mystical spells, and able to separate his mind from his body and travel in a spirit form (similar to Professor's X Astral Form). For the most part, he has not used these abilities in years, and hence is out of practice in wielding them. Forge is an accomplished athlete and trained soldier. Expertise in many areas of science and technology. Forge possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. Background: Forge is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Forge suddenly appeared one day. No one had ever seen him before. Within ten years he built an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that was completely self-sufficient. He declared it a Mutant Safe Zone, any attempts to interfere in the affairs of the island was treated as an act of war. A war that no country could survive because every Forge Industries satellite in orbit was not just apart of the Forge Telecommunications Systems but a weapons platform capable of striking anywhere in the world within seconds. China was the first to tempt fate, Forge obliterated Beijing within seconds of the first shot fired at the island, nearly twenty-two million people were killed that day. Ensuing panic and chaos killed more. China was reduced to a third world country within a week. No other country attempted to attack for fear the same fate. Forge regretted the decision to destroy Beijing but the world had to know he meant business. Twenty years later the extreme isolationist nation Forge created sank to the bottom of the ocean. Everyone assumed it was due to sabotage, in fighting, or mechanical failure. A month later an asteroid struck the planet causing another ice age. The surface dwellers were all but wiped out. Only a select few survived in bunkers. Two super powers survived the ice age, Atlantis led by Namor and Forge Industries. After a couple of years underwater some grew restless and acted out, others began to remind Forge of the ones who persecuted them for being mutants. One such group was Buzz & Bubbles a pair of mutants who were either mutant Chimpanzees or mutants who looked like Chimpanzees, no one was sure. They were smart, they built the Blank-O-Ray. It was meant to sterilize the Atlanteans, so that the Mutants would be the only ones to inherit the Earth. Forge and his elite guard caught wind of their animosity but not their plan they attacked the evil Chimpanzee duo. During the fight Forge was struck by the Blank-O-Ray, it did not sterilize him it turned him into a woman and significantly younger too. Before anyone of his elite guard realized Forge survived the blast they killed the evil Chimpanzees. Forge took the Blank-O-Ray to study it. He tried to use it on himself again, but it didn’t turn him back into a male. In the dying days of the ice age Forge & Namor became very close but their ultimate goals in life kept them apart. Once the land was thawed out Forge moved the city to the surface to begin repopulating the lands starting with California. The elderly who were all shot with a modified version of the Blank-O-Ray that gave them the option to just regain their youth or to regain their youth and change their gender. Other information: Currently unaware that she is carrying the child of Namor.[/hider]