[hider=Scion of Atlasia] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YRbdlj3.png[/img] [i][b]Peregrinus No. XCIX[/b][/i] [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Title[/b]([b]s[/b])[b]:[/b] N/A [b]Rank:[/b] Frame [b]Alignment:[/b] True Neutral [b]Gender:[/b] Lack any of the prerequisite organs [b]Command Seal:[/b] Three featureless circles that overlap with each other at their precise centers. [b]Objective for the Grail:[/b] While they have no personal intent for the Holy Grail War around it, the Atlas Institute does. Hence why they are present. [b]Personality[/b] A homunculus with a measure of unnecessary emotions, their mentality is closer to actual Atlas Alchemists than most soulless homunculi. In the first place, they very rarely entered the actual Academy itself, but there was no discrimination against them in that place. After all, such a thing would be inefficient, and Atlas had absolute pride in their tools. Partially because of that, they started to develop something of an actual ego, a sense of self. However to say this makes them anywhere like a normal person or magus is a misnomer. They are always as objective as possible, caring only for logic and rationalism. But because of that and the isolated existence they lead, they place themself on a pedestal above normal people they encounter outside of Atlas. Even if they love humanity. Even if they want to save the world. Humans are such inefficient, dumb creatures. . . . . .Even if they believe that humanity ‘must live no matter the cost’ [b]Biography[/b] The latest and greatest in a long line of Atlas homunculi designed as Gatekeepers for the Atlas Academy. This function is a misnomer, however, as entering Atlas is allowed to one and all. The doors to Atlas are locked from the outside, rather than the inside. Those who would attempt to leave Atlas are hunted by faithful dogs such as Peregrinus, existences created for such a mundane yet important task. In ‘its’ case, they have served for roughly a decade- the maximum lifespan for a Peregrinus model homunculus. Defeating those who try to unseal Atlas by leaving it, destroying escaped monstrosities, hunting ‘that’ disgrace- Their existence has been an eventful one, but they will definitely die within the next few months. Already parts of their body have rotted off, having to be replaced by inferior mechanical parts. While this malignant corruption in both their body and mind is deepening, it is likely that they will last long enough to safely observe the Grail War for the Atlas Institute. However, why they have been sent to a backwater ritual in ‘the sticks’ by the highest authorities within the Academy, even they do not know. Soon, they will. --- [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Wind [b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] A certain basic calculation involving a specific three digits. [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] D [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] E --- [b]Atlas Alchemy[/b]: [i]Inherited Memory[/i] Memories of all previous units. However, the age of this model(series) is quite advanced and low priority(maintenance). Because of that, only around 24%(23.7345245%) of their memories are accessible. Covering both the basics of magecraft and various combat arts, a gatekeeper(guard dog) of Atlas is not to be underestimated. [i]Thought Acceleration[/i] and [i]Thought Partition[/i] Techniques that make use of all parts of the body as a singular unit for calculation. Put simply, it is the idea of turning oneself into a computer. If optimized, there is no computer that can match the human brain let alone entire body in even the modern era 100 years later. The maximum partitions they are capable of is (3), due to degradation(expiration date). [i]High[/i]-[i]Speed Overclock[/i] Temporary massive increases of one or more process’ within the Atlas definition of the body. While the base capabilities of Peregrinus are quite high, the original intent of their design was to create ‘a body that can handle supreme stress’. Despite their degradation, ‘Overclocking’ the body and mind is still an inherent and possible ability for them. However, damage is practically inevitable. Its basis is the same as the ‘release’ capability a certain family within Atlas can make use of. It is likely ‘that man’ had a hand in the reworks(reformatting) of this homunculus(weapon) design several hundred years ago. --- [b]Mystic Codes[/b]: [i]Mystic Eye[/i]([i]s[/i]) One mystic eye of whisper, one mystic eye of binding- replacements for their original ideas. Activation is done by connecting a circuit, so there’s no need for mystic eye killers even without a mask. As an aside, their mask does increase their information gathering capabilities but does little beyond that. [i]Puppet Arm and Leg[/i] Artificial right arm and left leg designed to replace their natural limbs which rotted off. While their base capabilities are much higher, they lack the sheer compatibility with Overclocking their original limbs had. They have several nifty functions, such as storage spaces, extension, or explosive guided detachment. Composition is some unknown metal. [i]Spiritual Hacking Shards[/i] ‘Crystals’ carrying a ‘toxin’ which allows for analyzation, dissection, and briefly neutralization of enemy magecraft(One bar or lower). These are based upon the greatest secret of Atlas, but they’re just false and degraded copies. When impacting a human, spiritual hacking can occur. They are reliant on Peregrinus’ calculation abilities to function(and something else?), however. Usually loaded within bullets, to be used in the various conventional weapons designed by Atlas and given to them. They are progressively more effective when used against the same target. Only one disgraced family of genius' could've gifted this line of homunculi with spiritual hacking, so that can only mean- [i]Hawk Familiars[/i] Mechanical automatons connected to the homunculus. Their quality as familiars is top rate in terms of durability, speed, stealth, and information gathering and storage. To some limited degree, they can take over basic calculation of information they observe before sending it to their master. Their true ability however lies in carrying a special virus(toxin) that they constantly exude. From the very start, they are designed to subvert enemy familiars without enemy magi knowing. If the toxin is left to develop long enough, even a true hijacking of basic functions could occur. However, this function is only of any use against the basic familiars used by most average magi. [i]Boomerangs[/i] Guided boomerangs that are exceedingly durable. The damage they can cause is obscene because of the special alloy they were created from. [b]Supply Line[/b]: A blank check from the Atlas Academy in terms of support; however, the level of need and general terror would determine what they are willing to unseal for this missions sake. As it is currently just a scouting mission, only a steady information line and starting codes have been gifted. Incapable of nature interference, they are utterly reliant on ‘strong weapons’ that can defeat ‘strong foes’. [hider=Setting] [01][i]???[/i](Past-Due) [02][i]???[/i]("That Man") [03][i]???[/i](Hermes) [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [hider=Kinslayer] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ctB8A8/gw_Svz_BJ_1.jpg[/img][/center] [b][center][h2]Profile[/h2][/center][/b][center][b]Class:[/b] Caster [b]True Name:[/b] Skuld [b]Master:[/b] Anastasia Voronin [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Alignment: [/b]Lawful Evil [b]Height/Weight:[/b] [i]156[/i]cm [i]46[/i]kg [b]Attribute:[/b] Earth([i]Heaven[/i]) [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Scandinavia [b]Historical Era:[/b] Age of the Fairies [b]Talents:[/b] Hard work, Planning, Placation [b]Enemy:[/b] Dietrich von Bern, Cu Chulainn, Herself [b]Likes:[/b] Praise, Father, Era of Gods, Good Effort, Heroic Spirits [b]Dislike:[/b] Pointy Human Tools, Era of Man, Restraints, Heroic Spirits [b]Weapon:[/b] Seidr, Galdr, Magical energy conversion to light [/center] [b][center][h2]Abilities[/h2][/center][/b][center] [b]STR:[/b] E [b]END:[/b] E [b]AGI:[/b] E [b]MGI:[/b] A+ [b]LCK:[/b] E [b]NP:[/b] C[/center] [center][i]Territory Creation[/i]: - As a cost of the acquisition of the terraforming ability by means of the Noble Phantasm, the "Territory Creation" skill is lost. [i]Item Construction[/i]: A Allows for the creation of tools that carry magical energy. In other words, it is possible to construct enchanted items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Many different articles can be made at will. At this level it allows for the creation of an immortality serum, but its result is only an imitation. [/center] [b][center][h2]Details[/h2][/center][/b][center] [hider=Temperament] [i]? ? ?[/i] [/hider] [hider=Legend] A half-human, half-elemental who acts as a "Witch of Divine Retribution" within Norse Mythology. Born from a 'union' between the heroic Danish King Halga and an Elvish woman. Because he forgot about a promise to remember and accept their child, he was cursed by the Elf-woman. This curse was Skuld herself, who became an instrument of vengeance(curse) before they were even born. When Skuld came of age she was married to King Heoroweard of Sweden. Near its ending, Skuld was reintroduced to the Skjoldunga Saga. The legendary warrior-king Hrolfr Kraki had entered into his golden age after many sagas of adventure. He began focusing on peace after displeasing the Chief God, Odin. As Odin was a God of War, he decided to avoid conflicts to evade retribution. King Heoroweard was a vassal-king of Hrolfr who had been tricked into servitude. Acting as a temptress, Skuld began to turn him against Hrolfr. Requesting from King Hrolfr that they be able to pay all their tribute at once in three years time(instead of installments), Skuld laid the bedwork for a rebellion that would be enacted at the appropriate time. A great army was formed, composed of various monsters, witches, and great champions. When the three years ended, this army was marched toward Hrolfr's capital. He was quickly placed under a massive siege, and not even the best efforts of his 12 Champions could stop the inevitable. It was said that even a certain one-eyed god was among the rabble arrayed against the greatest Hero of the North. The battle could only end in one way. The legendary Norse King, an analogue of Britian's King Arthur, was destroyed along with his greatest Knights at the battle of Lejre. Skuld ruled in his place briefly. She was captured at a later date by the only surviving Companion of Hrolfr, Voggr. After this, she was tortured to death for her transgressions after a long period of suffering. [/hider][/center] [b][center][h2]Skills[/h2][/center][/b] [center][i]Wyrd Sǫngr[/i]: A Allows the activation of magic without connecting the magic circuit or incanting the spells. Even great magic can be activated with just a single bar. A song(language) from the age of gods that modern humans can no longer pronounce. A form of vocal magecraft(Galdr) originating from Northern Europe that is endowed with the power of an older era. This magecraft finds basis within song, so excerpts the length of one bar are merely part of a larger super-ritual. [i]Primordial Runes[/i]: - Engraving magecraft hailing from Northern Europe, the magic crest of Scandinavia. They are primal runes endowed with the power of the Age of Gods, which were spread through the world by the great god Odin. As such Runes in this context are different from the ones usually employed by modern magi. In her case, she was gifted these runes to support her vendetta- the overthrow of a ‘certain man’ who had been foolish enough to oppose the Chief God. The burden(power) of a truly first-class magus. [i]Alfar[/i]: B Strength of one’s inhuman nature- a perfected and naturally complete body from birth. The more elemental blood possessed, the higher this stat becomes. It however is not the mark of a devil or demonic beast, so this skill in particular does not signify status as an anti-hero. Rather, it could be said that it is syncretic with skills such as Divinity- In other words, an Alfar is a form of high ranking nature spirit(Elemental). Efficacy(efficiency) of magecraft is boosted dramatically. [/center] [b][center][h2]Noble Phantasm[/h2][/center][/b] [center][sub][color=#FFFFFF][b]Seidhjallr[/b][/color][/sub] [b][color=#F5DEB3]Throne of the Upmost Layer[/color][/b] [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Type:[/b] Anti-World [b]Range:[/b] 1[i]~[/i]30 [b]Maximum Target:[/b] 1 A wooden stave(Seidrstafr) made from petrified ash, an amplification type Noble Phantasm. It dominates the local mana(magical energy) and draws it within itself as a form of storage. By invoking its name, a conversion of magical energy stored within the Noble Phantasm will occur using True Ether. For a brief period of 3 turns, a dense atmosphere of high quality energy transfer that resembles the Age of Gods will be created. For that time, spells can be cast for ‘free’ due to the excessive quantity and quality of 'magical energy' present. With this ability she was capable of becoming a ‘mobile fortress’(territory), moving a countless army of Monsters(Phantasm Beasts), Norns(Magi), Elves(Elementals), and Soldiers(Thieves) across an entire country without notice. Until the siege began and all routes of escape were cut to King Hrolfr and his twelve heroic champions, Skuld’s camp was not revealed. It embodies her supreme capability as both a ruler and disciple of magecraft. But, well, it's more like she’s only really supreme at one of those two. Its true form is that of a chair that grants those who use it 'sight'. It is based on the primal concept of the High-Seat, finding its origin in the Hlidskjalf(High Throne) of the Great Father. [/center] [center] [sub][color=#FFFFFF][b]Vígja Hunangfall[/b][/color][/sub] [b][color=#F0FFF0]The Blessed Loam of Life[/color][/b] [b]Rank: [/b]C [b]Type:[/b] Anti-Unit [b]Range:[/b] 0 [b]Maximum Target:[/b] 1 The means by which she healed her husband [Heoroweard] during the final battle against Hrolfr Kraki. He, who had been cut into 18 pieces in a single, instant strike was returned as a normal human shortly after. Of course, he didn’t survive even a single day after taking Hrolfr's place. By simply scooping up water with her hands or an object that can hold water, it is possible for her to replicate the feat of ‘extracting water from the well of Urd’. Possessing the ultimate recovery ability as the Water of Life itself, it is the natural mystery that gave basis to the idea of ‘aqua est vitae’. All status ailments will be erased, and even things like objects, non living things, and the immaterial could be restored. A connection to the Valkyrie of Fate, the Norn Skuld. A proof of divinity, the Noble Phantasm is limited because her Divinity itself has been self-sealed. If these limitations were removed via use of a command mantra, then ‘Loam of Life’ superior to the ‘Waters of Life’ could be produced. [/center] [hider=Keywords] [b]Debt(Future)[/b] [i]? ? ?[/i] [b]Clairvoyance, "To See"[/b] [i]? ? ?[/i] [b]Absolute Genocide of Primates[/b] [i]? ? ?[/i] [/hider] [/hider]