Siiga was confused at this turn of events. Not five minutes ago, the girl and her had been mortal enemies. Now? Now she was tending her wounds, making sure she was okay. It was... It was something else. She could tell if they were naive, sweet, idiotic or if she was just that good a kisser, but hey, she wasn't going to knock it back. Anything that meant she wasn't hetting murdered was a goof thing in her eyes. Still, she wished it didnt hurt as much as it did. Asking a bit much, considering she's just come off the cusp of death, but come on, that was a whole twelve seconds ago! Surely she should be able to recover from that! Then again, just getting to her feet was a chore. She coughed and wobbled unsteadily, reachong an arm out to Connie for balance. Seems she was more woumded than she thought...