[centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmU2MDAxYi5VM1Y2ZFd0cElGSjVkVzV2YzNWclpRLCwuMAAA/gang-of-three.regular.png[/img][/centre][hr][b][right][color=696969]Class 2-C, Uesugi High, Fukushima 11:55 PM [/color][/right][/b][hr] [indent] A whopping 3 hours and 15 minutes of... nothing, really. It took about 15 minutes for all the students to make their introductions and cement their impressions into Ryunosuke's brain —that is, mostly negative stereotypes—, longer than he predicted. For 20-30 people to say something that would take no longer than 15 seconds at most, these people were painfully inefficient. He shivered, in sheer anticipation of group projects. Although, to be fair, he did like metrics to see how far behind everyone else was. It may be lonely at the top, but it's not depressing to be lonely, is it? Following the absurdly boring and slow self-introduction of the students came the somewhat less slow, albeit equally boring teacher introductions. Obviously, there was Kurihara-sensei. Then, a blissful silence. One of the advantages of sitting in the same desk all day, combined with his 'invisibility', let him pull off things most others would get caught for- listening to music, reading a book during a test, and in this case, falling asleep. Ryunosuke was quite tired: he had to wake up early on the first day of school to get everything prepared, spilled his coffee on his first set of uniform, and had to speed home and back to school just to get changed. Ugh. Given that it was the first day, Ryunosuke reasoned that there wouldn't be much to miss. Clocking in to dream-land, he was able to lower his head in the corner fairly easily, and nobody so much as blinked his way (at least, he assumed so- what for)? Before he knew it, the time had come for his beauty sleep to end. His smartphone, which he only really considered a time-killer due to a lack of necessity to actually call anyone, doubled as both an alarm and an alibi. Before his nap, he had set an alarm to 11:55, with the default 'call' ringtone as the alarm. At 11:55 sharp, it buzzed, waking him just in time to shut it off before things got [b]really[/b] awkward. Understandably, some heads turned. [color=cc3333][b]"Ah, suimasen..."[/b][/color], he muttered, hoping that would be enough to quell any suspicion. [hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI0MC5mZmZmZmYuVEhWdVkyZ2dWR2x0WlEsLC4wAA,,/kamikaze.regular.png[/img][hr][b][right][color=696969]Uesugi High, Fukushima 12:00 PM [/color][/right][/b][hr] The 'bell', a rather pleasant electronic chime to the tune of the Westminster Quarters, announced lunch, as it did the beginning of class at 8:30. This spelled the end of morning classes, as usual. Students were free to eat, socialize, practice sports, hang out, go to the library, or sit at a desk and do nothing by themself. Asami Kurihara sighed, stretching her arms behind her neck. This was a new bunch, another set of names to remember, another year. Granted, this year's group was far from the worst, but there was still a lot of work to do. Saito, who seemed to revel in others' annoyance, and on the other side of the spectrum, the tired students like Suzuki, who would look away if a meteor crashed outside the campus. [color=954535][i]Could be worse[/i].[/color] [/indent]