[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=2d5eb9][center]Alexander Jakobsen[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/7eb85379c927ba29e169941b1ee0d580/tumblr_inline_n7mqh5W6aT1ssoiqt.gif[/img] [color=2d5eb9][b]Location:[/b][/color] Cromwell House, Boston[/center][hr][hr] He was just listening to the conversation, slightly awkward at the fact that he was standing there, surrounded by women. Literally, he was the only man in the group, unless you counted Ricky, and he wasn't even positive that he should count in this instance. The whole idea of Hel being after some weird cloak was an interesting one, since they were just talking about wanting to lure Hel to them. This cloak was their best bet, that much was obvious. Alex was even more interested when Jessica mentioned that Mallory had the cloak. He looked at her, nodding his head, unsure of what else he really could do. When the flash of light appeared, he pulled out a gun, though when he saw who was there, he lowered it and holstered it. There was nothing a gun would be able to really do against the Goddess of Death herself, and with the others with her, he was pretty sure that they were going to lose big time. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=silver]Thalia Maehers[/color][/h1] [hr]Location: Cromwell House, Boston[hr][/center] "Ooh! Talk of some fancy cloak that the person who will probably kill you all for it is right here in front of you? Wow, that's just fantastic. Now you all can die a lot faster. Though Mallory over there, I swear you two have met before? Is it just me, or have you two been in the exact same place, at the exact same time before? No? Alright then, though I am positive you have," Deadpool's voice rang through her mind. [color=silver]"Shut up Deadpool,"[/color] she muttered, glancing in the direction of the hallucination. "Ha! What did I tell you, you are all so screwed!" Deadpool laughed again when the flash of light occurred and Hel along with the others popped up. She fought to keep the wings from popping up, since that was something Folly had specifically said not to do while around OMEN or whatever. Folly nearly getting taken out first thing by one of the people with Hel was not exactly very reassuring, but she was glad when the girl easily defended herself.