[h2]Isabelle d'Antibes[/h2] Polishing off the remainder of her meal, Isabelle rose to her feet, declining to look around to see if she was being noticed. That would only serve to give away how intentional this all was... rather than making it seem like she was simply socially deaf. "Very well, Saber, let's go for a walk." Leading the way, the Executor slipped her hands into her pockets, palming a pair of relatively unobtrusive handles. It wouldn't do to be caught unarmed if the Master decided to take the opportunity to strike at her... though Saber should be more than enough to keep her safe, the keys would at least annoy a Servant long enough to get away. At least, that was the idea, if she had the speed to pull it off. [hr] [h2]Evelyn and Elisabeth[/h2] If she'd had time, Evelyn might have thought to argue with her Servant about her chosen distraction. It had been made clear that the war was to be kept unobtrusive, but that didn't have to mean killing random civilians in the process. Or even failing that, flattening people with tree trunks launched like spears was the sort of thing that was only going to raise more questions. Of course, the idea that it was something for Lancer to stop might also have occurred in the time taken to argue... but there simply wasn't time to talk or think before her Servant decided to run off with her. But even without time enough to think things through, Evelyn knew one thing: [i]she wasn't a murderer.[/i] And time for that thought was all the time that she needed to act, knowing that there was no way she was going to entirely stop or slow such a massive force... but she didn't need to. It comparatively only needed a small nudge to go off target. It was a shame there wasn't time for finesse, and the result was less "slightly off target" and more "somehow the tree curved in midair". An overkill that Evelyn was painfully aware of as Berserker fled the scene, fearing that the fire burning in her eyes would spread, and struggling to make out more than blurs. Though part of that was undoubtedly the speed, this wasn't the first time... and hopefully, like before, her sight would clear to more than a world of blurred shapes and numbers.