[center][h2]Salena[/h2] [@Foolish Errant][/center] [center]__________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] There was no sound as he approached them. Salena stared past the man who wanted to rip her to shreds and stared at the man covered in metal. No... He wasn't a just a man. He couldn't be. His voice didn't sound human, nor his movements look human. Everything was calculated as he walked past the human and towards Salena. Every step and every word seemed like a command like he only existed to follow. She was afraid. Afraid that the strange man would hurt her, but his words told her otherwise. "A-aid?" So this Sir Helbronn would help her? If he wanted to help her, he would have done so now. He would have struck down the human and just ended it there. Salena had already lost too much blood, and she was starting to feel the cold creep in her. She didn't have time to doubt the words the man covered in metal, so she nodded her head slowly. "Yes, I accept your aid," she said though shallow breath as she fully turned to look at Sir Helbronn then the man that had started to advance on them. If this was a joke from the humans, she would laugh as the killed her. If it wasn't and the strange man did kill her pursuer, she would laugh. "Kill that man, Sir. Kill him-- make he suffer. I want him to know the fear and the pain I felt while he and his pathetic friends chased an innocent woman." She commanded as she looked past Helbronn to stare at the human's face. Their little group of murders had arrived at her home that morning. They had threatened to burn her in her own home if she didn't come out. Salena had followed their rules and had come outside prepared to fight them off if she needed, but those bastards had set up a magicka blocking spell around her home. They knew who she was. They knew what she had been capable of. That is why they had chased her and wore her down. Make her use all of her magic to fuel her stamina. The archers hadn't shot her to kill her. They had threatened to but never made a move. They had wanted her alive, and now they were all dead. All except for one. Salena started at the man who stared back with malice. He wasn't fooling anyone. He was afraid. She could see the way the sword in his hands shook and the way his breath had quickened. Something in Salena made her feel overjoyed to see the human who had been so excited to see her fall or be tortured now cower at the sight of the Sir Helbronn.