Teroiah's previous spell left her inhumanly fast. Meesei's attacks did not even put her off balance as she swept herself back, down, sideways, and away from Meesei's reach. All the while, her ward held strong against the blue sparks licking at her from Meesei's presence. True to her duelling prowess, the moment Teroiah cast her next spell was only telegraphed by the amount of power Meesei sensed. All the same, Meesei timed her bolt escape well. Out of Teroiah's open fingers was cast a whipping line of glowing violet links, as if a chain of pure magicka had leapt from her palm. The point of the chain floundered harmlessly in the void Meesei left, but she felt the rest of the chain as she bolted through. It tugged and tore at the very magic that rendered her lightning form. The chain winked out of existence at its full extension, but had it hit Meesei directly, enough of her body would have reincorporated for her flesh to be exposed to cutting. It was an innovative dispelling magic that Meesei could not afford to be struck by. The front of Teroiah's ward kept her safe from the brunt of Meesei's bolt escape, though her back was raked with lightning that made her reel forward and cry out in pain. She spun to face Meesei again, teeth gritted and uniform softly smoking. "If you shall mock a storm atronach, I shall fight you like one, savage!" Teroiah shouted out. Already, the dispelling chain charged again in her hand. This time, she swung it around her head as it extended, sweeping horizontally towards Meesei's side. Sabine, Marod, and Vera were all on the edges of their seats. Only Marod gathered enough wits to form words. "I...sadly doubt they expected the duel to proceed for long enough to eat. Not that [i]I[/i] mind!" The Thalmor around them were dumbstruck. Little hints in their demeanours showed varying levels of worry and encouragement for their commander. Siloune remained focussed and vigilant.