[center][h2][color=F0E68C]Asteria[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr] [color=F0E68C][i]Even though this attempt seems to have been a failure, at least one skill has progressed…how frustrating that I don’t know which one,[/i][/color] Asteria thought as she contemplated the latest system message. [color=F0E68C][i]I’ll definitely have to work on my strength and dexterity somehow. After that it’s probably just daily practice. So, a significant time investment for a human-esque posture,[/i][/color] she sighed silently. But at least her attempt had provided very valuable information, not the least of which was that her paws seemed to be strong enough that she’d be able to grab and hold onto an enemy while using her signature bite attack multiple times in quick succession. Even more determined to work through the day on the skills she apparently lacked in severly, Asteria approached her sister, who was just finishing with her breakfast. [color=F0E68C]“Well, that was informative,”[/color] she commented regarding her attempt at standing upright and fighting as a “proper” warrior. She noticed Mei seemed to be rooting through the lizard’s corpse even though she was done eating, as if searching for something. [color=F0E68C]“What are you doing?”[/color] Asteria asked her sister curiously, her head cocked to the side as she watched her sibling’s attempts at…dissecting the creature? Perhaps her former medical skills would help Mei in whatever it was she was trying to achieve. As Asteria looked on at her sister messing around with the lizard corpse, she considered the day’s plans. They could follow Mother again, and that may be what Mei would want to do seeing as she had been the one to start doing so the previous day. Asteria wouldn’t mind that, because they [i]might[/i] learn something new, or at the very least, get another successful monster kill as a group. However, at the back of her mind, she had the niggling worry about what consequences Mei’s attack on another former human would have for them. Asteria had already given up on the two Wisps as lost causes; those two had surely already decided to attack them on sight. But the other Dire rat they had met might believe that what happened was all just a very unfortunate misunderstanding, which is exactly what it had been. If at all possible, Asteria wanted to track down Edward and see if he could be convinced that Asteria and Mei weren’t just some mindless psychos or something. The question was if Mei felt up to seeking out the other Dire rat or not. Well, that, and the cave was honestly such a volatile environment that they might yet again get distracted by whichever enemy happened upon them [i]this time[/i] to try and end their lives. [@Jobst]