So the dragonborn thought Saerin was scared of him? That was almost ridiculous enough to clear up her bad mood. Sure, he looked tough, but Saerin was accustomed to much worse than 'tough'. "Oh, your [i]majesty[/i]!" Saerin said, in a sarcastically ceremonial voice. "Please accept my sincerest apologies for not [i]appreciating[/i] you enough, I shall do better next time!" She then switched to a more serious tone, drawing a dagger, and saying "Your scales are black, dragonborn. Still, what I normally deal with? It tends to get [i]darker[/i]." As Saerin said this final word, she held the dagger up, near the dragonborn's head, and clenched her forearm, hard. The veins in her wrist bulged, and then suddenly burst. Blood sprayed forwards, onto the black dragonborn's face, while the dagger was now charged with electricity, tiny bolts of lightning wrapping around the blade and occasionally sparking slightly. Saerin stepped backwards, so that there was a full five-foot gap between her and the dragonborn, moving the dagger lower but still at the ready. "If you want me to leave, you can-" "Unless you are the ogre's sister! But of course, do beg my pardon, dear ogress. You seemed so much... taller last night." Saerin had mostly been ignoring the third companion up until this point (simply by not spouting insensibilities quite as much as the others, he'd managed to become her favourite of the three). But this, finally, managed to get under Saerin's skin as well. So instead of continuing her confrontation with the dragonborn, she simply dropped her arms to her sides, sighed, and said "Never mind." Saerin put the dagger away, ending the rite and restoring her blood to her body, and walked towards Esperglow Castle, repeating in her head '[i]It's not worth getting arrested, it's not worth getting arrested, it's not worth getting arrested'[/i], but not really believing it.