[center] [img] https://i.imgur.com/K9dXELV.png [/img] [/center] [h3][center]Nearing the Front Gate, Matou Manor[/center][/h3] [@Breo] “The Grail isn’t something I care for myself,” Benita flatly told her Servant. Of course, this was the only logical statement someone in her position could muster to consider, even if it had come out as if a preprogrammed response to his inquiry. It was simple enough. Though it was clear that a cup as great as the Holy Grail; a shared nomenclature of the chalice that Jesus Christ himself had drunken out of, would be a great boon to whoever had held it within their grasp. A “path to the 「」” that all magi sought after fervorously and without fail, but to deny this idea was something alien to someone who would consider themselves “proper” magi, or at least her records said such to be true. “I was made to be the victor of this war. And while it is the victory I care of, the Grail itself can go to the birds if that is what wills it. I was designed to win this war, and thus I have no wish, and I have no greater aspirations; a soldier only does the mission they are ordered to, after all.” Perhaps to a Servant, a being summoned by the Grail in order to be the victor of the contest and grasp the object with their own power; someone who wanted the Grail for the wish it would provide, would be appalled and disgusted by Benita’s clear disregard of the object as an “item for the birds”, but this was the truth. If a heroic spirit was the copy of someone who ended up being a savior for humanity and an inspiration for their aspects, then perhaps the hollow husk of a person, only awakened by a certain individual, was not far off from this aspect. “If there is an issue with that then I suggest ending our contract immediately. My goal is not the Grail, but my goal is to win the Grail War. And I would not expect anything less than excellence from my familiar (Servant). But my victory would be yours as well. Take from it as you desire, but I shall not partake in the slightest bit.” A false existence that existed to win a false contest. It would be no wonder that someone programmed in such a manner would not care for the prize. The victory was the only important aspect of this war from their perspective, and though they wished to have summoned an assistant Servant that could support, it was not as if they were against actions on their own. After all, they had always existed on their own, so being able to act independently from their employer’s child would likely have been preferred. So long as her Servant remained appurtenant she would have no issue in concluding the Grail War as a victor, seeing as his stats were greater than most other Servant examples she had been given. Perhaps it was more clear that a Servant would only have one or two good parameters, but hers seemed to have a higher baseline stat than what should be acceptable as a Lancer, closing in on a legendary spirit ... that she didn't know the name of. [h3][center]The Front Gate, Matou Manor[/center][/h3] [@ManyThings][@Breo] It was around this time where Benita and Achilles had reached shot of the Matou house. Of course, the sky flickered with the mighty lights of some unknown force that soared across the sky. Taking note of their trajectory, as well as their beauty, Benita seemed transfixed on these objects before soon being brought back to reality by realizing her surroundings. A great house. The place that she had marked on her map. Taking out her map, she scribbled something with a pen she had before continuing forward. A Servant and their Master had arrived near the manner. And Benita’s Command Spells began to burn. It was impossible for the Master inside the house to not realize that there was a Servant outside. And though Benita was hired by the Grandfather, there was a chance that the Master inside the house was hostile to their presence. It wasn’t as if Benita and the Matou Master had spoken to one another ever. And it wasn't as if her employer had ever spoken about them until recently. Surely Mr. Matou had told the Matou Master about her arrival, right? Even if it was a low chance of possibility, there was also the possibility that the Matou heir cared not for their grandfather’s wishes and simply wanted to take the Holy Grail with their own hand. It would be foolish for Benita to bite the hand of the child like a dog afraid of their master’s child, but if the child was at fault for the actions, she could hardly be blamed as to what would occur. She waited at the gate, waiting for the other to realize their presence and confront them.