"[color=00a651]Ma'am, as we move forward, is it possible for you to discern active physical threats from immaterial ones that are yet to manifest? That would expedite our approach immensely.[/color]" "[color=a187be]That would be fairly simple... divination is one of my main disciplines after all.[/color]" Adrianne stated with a suddenly far more cheerful tone to Ansgar's question. "[color=a187be]Within the tight confines of these corridors and tunnels, I can detect their auras sooner than most imperial sensors can detect their physical presence, and my powers allow me to foresee most forms of traps or ambushes long before we walk into them. It will get harder the closer we get to the warp anomaly, but out here it is still relatively easy.[/color]" People were actually asking for her powers ahead of the anticipated situation rather than when they were already knee deep in xenos and heresy!! [i]"[color=a187be]I could get used to this... [/color]"[/i] Adrianne thought. [i]"[color=f49ac2] ... I could get used to him![/color]"[/i] Said the whisper in her head! [i]"[color=a187be]Shut it![/color]"[/i] "[color=f7941d]... Any decent explosive device you can spare and even spare las cells will do...[/color] " Adrianne turned to the group's tech heretic asking for free explosives; eyes drifting down to the two melta-bombs shew as carrying around; before giving Ansgar a very peculiar stare with her skeletal mask. "[color=a187be]I have some melta bombs... not sure how good they are if you want the explosion to be particularly big.[/color]" She said, continuing with an accusing look down at the shorter krieger. "[color=a187be] ... you are the closest this group has to a demolitions expert, do you have anything to help our tech-heretic?[/color]"