[color=DAA520][h1][center]Moke Nekhtou[/center][/h1][/color] Age: 13 House: Ravenclaw Blood Status: Half blood Patronus: Sphynx Cat Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0b/0a/f3/0b0af34c599177e722caa37c0069355c--anime-manga.jpg[/img] Relationships: Moke rarely has friends, preferring to keep to himself. He comes from a large family of 9 siblings. He is the 3rd youngest. He has 4 older sisters, 2 older brothers, and two younger sisters. Personality: Like most Ravenclaw's Moke is an intelligent student, however he the passion for studying is what differs him from his house. Instead, he prefers to experiment and broaden his understanding of things, unfortunately, this often ends up with him not concentrating on his actual schoolwork and daydreaming about what he could invent next. This makes him a subject of bullying. Best class: Potions Worse class: Transfiguration Any Clubs: None