Balling up her hands and playfully batting one at Adeleia, Lucie uttered a single "meow", a grin on her lips. "Quite right, I'm a cat." She reached out and took an apple, slicing into it with a knife. "I at least share certain qualities like one," she said. She popped one slice of apple in her mouth, chewing quickly and swallowing it. "But fret not about my time. I simply felt like dressing up. No prior arrangements, as it were. Now," she smiled, "you were saying?" For the next short while she listened to Adeleia speak, noting with some surprise a few tidbits she had not previously divulged. So her parents had disappeared at one point? That did explain the oddity of why the House was headed by someone so young, and completely without the presence of even retired parents. There was a mystery there, but not one that was important right this instant. Maybe some day, they would attempt to find out where Mr and Mrs Ware disappeared to. If they went that route, mayhaps one day she could convince certain individuals of the Society to help Lucie in an endeavour of her own? She also had people she wanted to find. But right now there were other things that were important, namely Adeleia's ideas for a core group of Society Members who had the time, and interesting, to devote their time to solving... problems regarding the psychic and paranormal. She felt the corners of her mouth creep upwards in a smile; she was nothing if not a problem solver, and however much she might curse the cruelty of the man who raised her, he had done a fine job at equipping her with more skills than any one person should ever be allowed to possess. She nodded at Adeleia's proposition, slicing off and biting into another piece of her apple. What she said made sense, and definitely would make it a great deal easier to keep sensitive issues out of the public's eye. Believing in the psychic was all well and good, but no one [i]really[/i] believed in the seers and oracles you found in colourful tents. The problems come when people start to [i]know[/i] that psychics exist, and what they are capable of. She put her knife and nearly finished apple back on the plate, dabbing her lips with a napkin before replying to the latest inquiry. "I don't really [i]need[/i] more money, but I would not say no to compensation for performing work, as it were." She looked up, toying idly with one earring. "I agree that there are likely situations where our particular skills will be beneficial for the populace as a whole." Looking between both Lilian and Adeleia, a smile spread across her lips. "Well, when do we begin?"