[CENTER] [IMG]https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_351,w_625,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1493062752/galleries/2011/05/05/situation-room-up-close/sit-room---original_xu2rru[/IMG] [/CENTER] [H3]Instructions[/H3][LIST][*] Post your character sheet here using the template provided below. [*] Please do not post anything else here, all questions and comments should go to the OOC thread.[/LIST] [H3]Character Sheet[/H3][hr] [INDENT][B]Name:[/b] [b]Position:[/b] [B]Age:[/b] [B]Sex:[/b] [B]Physical Description:[/b][INDENT]Real brief. Like three sentences.[/INDENT] [B]Brief Bio:[/b][INDENT]Character's state of origin, education, professional experience. Few sentences, no novels needed unless you want to write one. Notably, please include how this president picked your character for the cabinet, unless of course you are a member of Congress/the Senate.[/INDENT] [B]Issues/Agenda:[/B][INDENT]Your character's agenda, what is most important. This should include economic beliefs and basics of working style. Religion, the environment, etc. Anything that stands out and drives this character in politics.[/INDENT] [/INDENT]