[hr][hr][h1][center][i]Battle Against Hel[/i][/center][/h1][hr][hr] Jessica watched as everyone started to spring into action, she was hoping that Mallory would be able to get out of the room alive. Then Hel flung her sword Nótt sverð at Mallory and the kumkatok was impaled onto the wall, silently cursing to herself, as she closed her eyes and attempted to try and pull the sword out of Hel's hand. She was starting to feel dizzy from the blood loss as she continued to try and concentrate on the sword but she wasn't even able to. She watched Folly letting go of Mariana and went to attack Hel, only to be easily flung across the room, along with Jade and Ricky using a taser on her. She stared directly at Mallory she couldn't see the expression on her face due to the cloak and wasn't sure what she was trying to communicate with her. Mariana sighed softly when Folly let go of her, only to have her be weaponless now she watched Folly getting flung across the room after her attack. She quickly went to Robin and Aloise' side and leaned over and whispered towards them, she didn't like the idea of seeing any of these people die. [color=00CED1]"We need to figure out a way quietly to betray her once she has the cloak, I managed to get that woman on our side."[/color] Lilith's plan on getting Mallory out of there while the others distracted Hel was foiled fairly easily as she watched the sword impale the woman/spirit/thing. Now it was a matter of protecting the cloak at all costs. Lilith turned to face the Goddess of Death now. She didn't have much at her disposal, but then Hel did the stupid thing of flinging Folly across the room. While the girl seemed unscathed, it unleashed something in Lilith. Fighting spirit! [color=D59AC2]"Ok bitch, I've had it with your bullshit."[/color] Lilith took out three knives in one hand and threw them at Hel. Two missed, verring off but hitting no one else, but the one knife did hit it's mark. And what a mark it was. Directly in the Goddess' eye on her good side. Lilith would have cheered, but it was not time yet. [color=D59AC2]"Oh, shame, guess both sides are fucked up now."[/color] [color=2d5eb9]"You know... If Ricky can shoot at her and not care much about trying it, then screw it I am too, I owe her for what happened at OMEN anyway,"[/color] he said, pulling his gun out again. He fired off five shots in rapid succession, not caring if he accidentally hit anyone else in the process. He was pissed off at her for everything she had done. Two of his shots missed, and didn't hit anyone, but he didn't care about that. It was the other three shots that he cared about as each one hit her. The first one knocked out Hel's other eye, completely blinding her, while the other two hit internal organs of some kind, causing her to start bleeding a lot. [color=2d5eb9]"Screw you bitch."[/color] "Try breathing fire at her, that might work!" Deadpool said in her ear, and Thalia agreed with him. Sure, she probably shouldn't be doing this sort of thing, especially with OMEN around, but she needed to do something, and fire breathing seemed like a good choice. It took her a few tries to get it just right, but when she did, there was a roaring jet of flame that shot from her mouth, burning the Goddess of Death. She hadn't expected the flame to be that powerful, but it happened, and she had somehow killed the Goddess of Death. [color=silver]"...Did she just die?"[/color] she said, her voice sounding a bit hoarse. Lilith and those sensitive to the spiritual, like Jessica and Mallory, will be able to see a huge amount of energy be unleashed. Hel's dying words are [color=C3D1C0]"Go to hell, angels."[/color] Jessica will then hear a scream across Angel Radio. Then there's just silence. Hel's sword clatters to the ground. She took down all of the angels with her.