[@mdk] Just to clear up any misunderstanding, what tariffs are we talking about here? The recent tariffs being implemented by Canada (100's of US products), by my understanding, were already retaliatory in nature, and were calculated to be as close to the net loss Canada would suffer from the aluminium and steel tariffs imposed by America. As for negotiating tactics, yeah, I pretty much think it's all a strategy to try and put Trudeau in a weaker position. I think that what Trump is forgetting, is that Trudeau, for all his sunshine politics, is still relatively rather... aggressively petty? As well as insecure in his own right. [Url=https://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.3284464.1487081336!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg]The Handshake,[/url] if anyone remembers it, portrays this quite well. All hilarity aside, what we are looking at is a man in his 40's and by all appearances and evidence, fit and healthy, manhandling a 70+ year old man. Admittedly Trump needed to get his handshaking under control. I'm just worried this will escalate too far, and that neither will be able to step away from their rhetoric, leading to an actual trade war, which would be catastrophic for both sides.