[quote=@Sanctus Spooki] [b]Admittedly Trump needed to get his handshaking under control.[/b] [/quote] The point is, I refuse to believe that a guy who can do [url=https://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.2838129.1459352482!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg]this,[/url] needed to go to the lengths he did. A firm handshake and setting his stance properly would have been more than enough. Notice his grin. Trudeau is very petty. Also your link appears to be dead but I'm sure it's one of the many gems we were presented by Trump acting as if the political stage was the same as business dealings behind closed doors, and attempting petty psychological tricks to gain an edge. I'd rather avoid talking about his handshakes, since it is a dead horse. I only brought it up to illustrate Trudeau can be equally belligerent.