[b]Character you have created:[/b] Jeremiah Crane [b]Alias:[/b] The Hunter [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=darksalmon]Dark Salmon[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Hero (Neutral Good) [b]Identity:[/b] Known(ish) [b]Character Personality[/b]: Jeremiah is an amiable, kind man raised by good, Christian parents in New England. While he spends his life tracking and hunting demons, you'd never know it by the way he acts. Quick with a smile or a joke, he does not let his quest burden him. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] Jeremiah wears the tattered, dirty, and faded blue trench coat he wore as a Union army member during the war over a simple set of cowboy duds. He wears a leather cowboy hat made of the hide of some unknown beast that is tougher than any armor. He keeps a bandana tied around his neck, and his guns hang from holsters on his hip. He carries in his pack all manner of weapons to fight the supernatural. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Jeremiah's story began not with him, or his parents, but with his grandfather. Ichabod Crane is a name most knew from stories and legends passed down through the generations of America. Most believed Washington Irving made the man up, and that Sleepy Hollow was nothing more than a bedtime story. They would have been wrong. Ichabod was real, as was the story of Sleepy Hollow. While Ichabod, the frightful, over-imaginative man that he was, was chased out of Sleepy Hollow by a man dressed as the Headless Horseman. That's not where his story ended. Ichabod, ashamed, returned to the town after realizing he had been duped. What he found was not the derisive laughter he expected, but the butchered bodies of the townsfolk. When his rival in love had used the story of the Headless Horseman to drive Crane off, the man angered the true spirits that haunted Sleepy Hollow, who sought to teach the people a lesson. Ichabod was shaken to the core by what he saw. This led him to throwing himself head first into study of the occult and the supernatural. He discovered America was full of supernatural threats that most were complete oblivious to. From that day on, he made it his goal to purify the country of the supernatural threats it contained. Jeremiah was the third hunter in the Crane line. His father, Washington, and grandfather raised him to be the best of them, and he loved both men dearly. The three men and Jeremiah's mother Anne lived in Maine, near the city now known as Lost Haven. New England was a hotbed of supernatural activity. It was here where Jeremiah learned his family trade, protecting the normal civilians of America from threats they could not comprehend. When the American Civil War broke out, Jeremiah signed up for the Union Army. Not only because he believed in what the army stood for and the freedom of all men, but because he knew that the blood of the battlefield would awaken and draw out insidious threats. It was during the war that Jeremiah realized his crusade was more than just his family's. He found that many hunters existed, and had existed for centuries. It was also during the war that he found that he was marked. After mortally wounding a demon feeding off the dying and the wounded on the Antietam battlefield, Crane was told that his bloodline would bring about the fall of man and the time of demons. He would be the instrument of the fall of man. Crane didn't know whether he could trust the demon, but he now has doubt in the back of his mind. After the war, he now travelled the country, cleansing it of the monsters that feed off it. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Normal with shades of Mystic [b]Power Level:[/b] Street level [b]Powers:[/b] Jeremiah has a basic understanding of the mystic arts, and can perform simple spells. Most of his strategy, however, revolved around his combat skills. He was a crack shot with any firearm, but he preferred his Colt revolvers. He was also a capable and trained hand-to-hand combatant. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 6'1" Weight: 200lbs Strength Level: Normal human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal human Agility: Normal human Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Trained (hand-to-hand)/Mastered (firearms) Resources: Average[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] He's a normal human, so plentiful [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Isaac Freeman: A former slave and Jeremiah's best friend. The two fought together in the war, and after seeing Crane kill a demon on the battlefield, Isaac asked to join his crusade. He is now a fellow hunter. The strong, silent type, Isaac is one of the most intelligent people Jeremiah has ever met. Major John Andre: A former Redcoat spymaster during the Revolutionary War, Andre was captured and hung by the Continental Army. His spirit did not pass into the next life, however. He wandered New England, finally setting in the woods around Sleepy Hollow. He and Jeremiah met when the young hunter came to the town that made his family famous. Andre now can spy on the spirit world and assist Crane. Toad: Jeremiah's horse [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RNj60Cq.jpg?1[/img]