[center][img]https://dizw242ufxqut.cloudfront.net/images/content/150826-the-flash-740x250-jm.jpg[/img] [b][i]Vietnam[/i][/b] [/center] "Oracle transmitting. Is it secure?" The voice pulsed through Barry's mind as he straightened up, leaning away from the metallic container he had been examining to respond. No sound emitted through the built in communication system residing within the Flash Suit, instead, the communication was made via pulses of information, translated by his body and mind's metahuman ability to become one with the computer systems used the world over, and beyond. "Yes, Lex-Corp as you said. Conducted by intermediaries but it seems Luthor couldn't resist stamping his big ol' L right on the case itself." Barry responded in kind. For the last few weeks he had been contacted by the mysterious Oracle, a voice in his ear leading him down new routes of investigation in his own private war against the corrupt powers that be. It had been Kara that had convinced him to join the Titans, but Oracle had supported the endeavor as well. From the start Barry had known he could discover the identity of Oracle if he pressed, not even the Fortress of Solitude was completely immune from his ability to manipulate the electronic world around him, but he did not press. If Oracle's anonymity was important, he was not yet in a position to require that stripped away. "Typical Luthor. Destroy it, then you'd best hurry, you'll be late." "I didn't think you'd be the type to care if I was late to a social gathering, Oracle." There was no further buzz of communication, it would seem Oracle had better matters to attend to than further conversation. Barry shrugged, before looking down at the container. It would have been useful to have one of his more 'super strength' focused companions at hand, but he wasn't 'too' far from one of the world's most active chains of Volcanoes, the Flash could improvise. [b][center][i]San Francisco[/i][/center][/b] The sea sped by underfoot, Barry's pace enough to not only keep him moving across its surface, but leave a surge of steam behind him, water boiling away as he refrained from containing much of the kenetic energy he was outputting, to do so would drain his powers further, and besides, the surge of steam and heat provided even more of a boost to the speedster. The Pacific was a relatively gentle sea, compared to the Artic-Atlantic where he had trained this ability, and so the trip from South East Asia back to the American West Coast had taken little time. Still, a detour to watch a pod of Dolphins frolic had proven Oracle correct, Barry was running slightly late. Ironic. [i]Just a few more moments[/i] He made the calculation in a fraction of a second, the Speedforce pushing his mind to even greater limits than his physical form, as hard as that may be to believe when watching the feats he could before. Indeed, in but a few more moments, Barry pushed off with his feet, his forward momentum and the energy of the electrical field surrounding him thrusting him into the air. Continuous flight was something still beyond him, unless he was really pushing the extent of his ever-increasing powers. Falling with style though? He had that down to an art form. The remainder of the ocean streamed away beneath him as he remained airborne, while his suit could be used to adjust his flight, he was attempting to do this 'blind.' The Golden Gate Bridge was next, the red line crossing the bay passing in a blur, then over the city itself, the blue of the Ocean transitioning to greys and browns, patches of green. As predicted his momentum began to fade away, while he could maintain the accuracy of his vision at high speeds when he wished to, he had chosen not to in an effort to judge his own calculations, now, as he slowed enough to perceive the world, the already familiar sight of the Titan Tower came into view. [i]The pool? No, bit of a dick move. Fine. Deploy countermeasures.[/i] At his mental command, fins and thrusters built into his suit extended and fired, catching him in mid air like a high tech, sudden, parachute, just in time to push him into a somersault just above the Tower. Spinning over, once, twice, then landing in a crouch. Successfully managing to not turn himself, or any of those milling around the rooftop pool, into collateral paste. As he extended back up to full height, the mask element of his suit folded away, revealing the grinning features of Barry Allen. "How's it going?"