[center][h1][color=D59AC2]Lilith St. Sebastian[/color][/h1] [img]http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mh-e1419274210963.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=D59AC2][b]Location:[/b][/color] Cromwell House [/center][hr] Lilith looked around her at the others in the room. Not only had they just battled the Goddess of Death...but they won. In record time! Lilith felt really good about that, but at the same time all of this mad her realize something. She was free of the circus. She didn't know majority of these people. Folly seemed ok and Lilith went over to check on the girl. [color=D59AC2]"Folly, wake up. We won."[/color] Hopefully that would help the girl's mental health. But even still, Lilith hated this. OMEN didn't handle this, they did. Once Lilith made sure Folly was ok, she stood up and looked around the room. She doubted this was over, but at the moment Hel lost her grasp on world domination, and that was enough. But it was enough for her too. [color=D59AC2]"And with that I say: fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything. I'm out!"[/color] And Lilith walked straight out the door, out of Cromwell House so she could go back "home", collect her things, and not have to deal with Death Goddesses, giant dogs, or the Devil himself ever again. Spirits and demons were enough in her opinion.