[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180613/da2956af8f71e71a9a1e6b7d2e18f64e.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/o7HNVgcokvXUY/giphy.gif[/img][img]https://em.wattpad.com/215da9c8aa45bfca539c7218829d2bbc7aa10ccb/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f794e584c6851714c6e78515345513d3d2d3238373231373632392e3134646332326530306131656163666136363136333239333030362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [sub][color=slategray]A [@smarty0114] & [@Universorum] collab Featuring: [color=ba314c]Katie “What The Fuck” Callaghan[/color] & [color=e2e520]Scott “When Did He Get That Hot?” Lyon[/color] Location: Katie’s Room -> School[/color][/sub][/center][hr][hr] [indent]Katie sat up in bed, her hair a mess, her face bare, her eyes half shut from exhaustion. She groaned and swung her feet out of bed, stepping into her bathroom and turning the shower on and letting it heat up. When it was finally steaming, she stepped in, and let the hot water run over her body, and slowly begin to pull her from the realm of sleep. Once her shower routine was done, Katie got out, toweled herself off, and went over to her vanity, where she began her makeup. She thought back to last night, on the boat with Scott. Something had switched there. Clicked. She wasn’t quite sure what, but something had been different last night. Even if he was being a creepy perv, per usual, she found it almost endearing now. What the fuck was happening to her? Katie’s morning passed in a haze. She ate breakfast, and Jamie eventually came down to drive them to school. Before she knew it, they were parked, and Katie was walking in, along with what felt like a million faceless students. God this was a big school. Once she was in the halls, she saw him, almost instantly. Scott Lyon. Jesus fuck. Had he always been that hot? The jawline? The hat? The light dusting of scruff on his chin? She strutted up to him, tongue in cheek, and watched as his friends quieted down, awed by her arrival. [color=ba314c][b]“Hey, so, can we talk? Like, privately?”[/b][/color] she asked, looking up at Scott, her face a mixture of emotions, embarrassment chief among them, followed by a healthy dose of annoyance, confusion, and maybe some lust. Scott was more than surprised when Katie approached him, rather than yelling at him from across the hall. That she did it in front of his friends made it even more impressive. When she spoke to him in a voice that was almost [i]shy[/i], Scott had no idea what to say. The night before, on the ship… it was different. Scott wouldn’t deny that. It was different than any interaction they’d had before, and perhaps any interaction they’d have in the future. They were [i]nice[/i] to each other there. Could it continue now? Staying true to himself, Scott had to believe that it couldn’t. Their… whatever they had ran too deep. Not arguing would be almost inhuman. But, Scott had to stay true to himself; and he [i]did[/i] want to talk to her. He did want to be alone with her again. Maybe they could manage if they were alone. Was that what sparked it? Outside pressure? [color=e2e520][b]“Uhm, yes. Sure. Where?”[/b][/color] Scott asked, gesturing for her to lead the way to their haven. Wringing her hands together like some sort of neurotic, recent release from the Looney Bin, Katie walked across the hall to an empty room, looking back to make sure Scott was following. Once inside, Katie turned, and waited for Scott to close the door, before blurting out, [color=ba314c][b]“I love you!”[/b][/color] What was that? Love? Scott? Really? Only it felt so right. It just...made sense. Like an instinct she had, something she knew she had to do. For some reason, her loving Scott, it was a fact of life. Scott shut the door behind him, and then as soon as he turned around, Katie blurted [i]something[/i] at her that he thought he’d never hear. It felt like music to his ears, though, and Scott felt his heart and pride soar as he nodded, [color=e2e520][b]“I love you too!”[/b][/color] A pause. [color=e2e520][b]“I really do. I love you, Katie Callaghan. I don’t know how or why I didn’t see it before”[/b][/color] He took a daring step forward, [color=e2e520][b]“You’re beautiful, you’re smart, you’re funny. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”[/b][/color] So what did she do next? The only rational option. She kissed him. A real, passionate, intense kiss. Time froze as they melded together, pushed into each other, until finally, Katie pulled away to take in some air. Only, when she looked back, Scott wasn’t there. In his place was Noah, drunk and stumbling around. Katie’s face scrunched up in confusion, until Noah was replaced by a shark, flopping around on the floor, snapping at her feet. [hr] Shrieking, Katie sat up in bed, her forehead drenched in a cold sweat. She looked around frantically, confused by her sudden change in surroundings. It took her a moment to realize...she’d been dreaming. [color=ba314c][b]“Holy fuck,”[/b][/color] she muttered, before stepping out of bed and shuffling into the bathroom, squinting as she passed by her window, which already had sunlight streaming in. In the bathroom, Katie hunched over her sink, splashing her face with water. She looked up into the mirror, and shook her head. [color=ba314c][b]“What the fuck is up with you, Katie?”[/b][/color][/indent]